Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Gift pour Ryann di apr 14, 2015 3:47 am
━━ forgotten sins ━━
Heirloom fingerstache freegan 8-bit, YOLO hoodie banh mi craft beer cardigan farm-to-table disrupt cred crucifix put a bird on it salvia. Tilde cold-pressed Austin, Intelligentsia iPhone squid PBR&B gentrify cornhole semiotics hashtag put a bird on it pork belly. 3 wolf moon cardigan Banksy, cornhole salvia leggings forage hashtag umami deep v distillery gastropub ethical. Twee Portland Helvetica, next level cred iPhone selvage locavore banh mi fanny pack salvia fixie PBR blog. Wayfarers fixie shabby chic disrupt Blue Bottle vinyl. Banksy viral brunch mumblecore Carles drinking vinegar. Four dollar toast leggings cliche, Thundercats fanny pack meditation High Life Portland.
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann zo apr 19, 2015 4:29 am
To lose is to find, and to find is to lose.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vel molestie lorem. In faucibus lobortis nulla eu vulputate. Proin tincidunt efficitur dolor. Nullam semper tellus quis enim placerat, a luctus odio pharetra. Nam volutpat diam elementum dui blandit tincidunt. Nunc eu quam commodo, lobortis justo vel, pulvinar tellus. Etiam ut posuere enim. Aenean mattis tortor eget rutrum commodo. Pellentesque egestas, mauris vel rutrum consequat, dolor nisl maximus purus, sed scelerisque neque nulla at lectus. Ut egestas felis ac accumsan pellentesque. Quisque commodo dictum mauris, vel tempus leo sagittis ac.
Donec quis eleifend sapien, in molestie leo. Donec eget diam commodo, semper ipsum at, semper odio. Nulla mattis tellus ut sodales aliquet. Pellentesque tempus, nisi sed ornare laoreet, ipsum ante malesuada nisl, a cursus arcu orci nec est. Sed volutpat nulla ipsum, quis laoreet arcu bibendum in. Nunc nec quam ultricies, convallis sapien sed, porta diam. Sed ultrices tortor commodo, gravida lorem quis, maximus massa. Nullam eget ultricies purus, eget convallis dolor. Sed ornare sem at erat ultricies condimentum. Phasellus luctus nisl sodales quam vehicula porta. Vestibulum sit amet scelerisque felis, id congue arcu. Ut efficitur mattis nisi vitae ornare. Quisque et nisi massa. Fusce auctor rutrum elit sed consectetur. Maecenas posuere malesuada fermentum. Vestibulum leo tellus, lacinia in convallis nec, condimentum pretium leo.
Mauris ligula purus, iaculis quis neque ac, sagittis malesuada velit. Phasellus facilisis lectus sit amet orci tristique fermentum. Donec sit amet lacus maximus, varius nisi a, cursus lorem. Nulla iaculis nunc diam, molestie sagittis magna bibendum quis. Pellentesque sollicitudin odio ut ipsum sodales varius. Praesent scelerisque eu dolor at dapibus. Suspendisse rhoncus urna eget orci sodales mattis. Curabitur ac lacus risus. Vestibulum metus nibh, venenatis quis ipsum quis, egestas varius leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas euismod porta vulputate.
Sed eget urna sit amet nisl mollis vulputate quis sed nunc. Maecenas vel nisl vel magna molestie ornare. Sed rhoncus malesuada consectetur. Integer volutpat sollicitudin elit sed vestibulum. Maecenas malesuada in tortor et convallis. Vivamus varius, est non commodo convallis, enim velit semper sapien, quis pharetra lacus libero vel nulla. Vivamus egestas felis id sem consequat finibus. Fusce at orci in diam euismod efficitur. Sed imperdiet, turpis vel dapibus luctus, enim risus ullamcorper quam, eget bibendum neque libero quis lacus.
Suspendisse tortor turpis, posuere sit amet mauris nec, varius dapibus velit. Fusce vel sapien rutrum, vehicula turpis et, aliquet mi. Ut vitae volutpat sem, sed tincidunt augue. Donec venenatis enim sem, eu rutrum mi rhoncus vitae. Pellentesque consectetur quis lectus id laoreet. Curabitur non venenatis justo. Aenean libero sapien, interdum non rutrum eu, bibendum vel justo. Integer arcu libero, luctus quis augue non, auctor ultricies urna. Etiam finibus auctor lectus quis consectetur. Aenean eget ex nec est mattis varius in quis augue.
[table align="center" bgcolor="#0f121a" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="1"][tr][td valign="top"][img][/img]<div style='padding-right: 5px; margin-top: -485px; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 200px; width: 383px; height: 260px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify;'>[font=Georgia][color=#695e60][size=11][center][i]To lose is to find, and to find is to lose.[/i][/center]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vel molestie lorem. In faucibus lobortis nulla eu vulputate. Proin tincidunt efficitur dolor. Nullam semper tellus quis enim placerat, a luctus odio pharetra. Nam volutpat diam elementum dui blandit tincidunt. Nunc eu quam commodo, lobortis justo vel, pulvinar tellus. Etiam ut posuere enim. Aenean mattis tortor eget rutrum commodo. Pellentesque egestas, mauris vel rutrum consequat, dolor nisl maximus purus, sed scelerisque neque nulla at lectus. Ut egestas felis ac accumsan pellentesque. Quisque commodo dictum mauris, vel tempus leo sagittis ac.
Donec quis eleifend sapien, in molestie leo. Donec eget diam commodo, semper ipsum at, semper odio. Nulla mattis tellus ut sodales aliquet. Pellentesque tempus, nisi sed ornare laoreet, ipsum ante malesuada nisl, a cursus arcu orci nec est. Sed volutpat nulla ipsum, quis laoreet arcu bibendum in. Nunc nec quam ultricies, convallis sapien sed, porta diam. Sed ultrices tortor commodo, gravida lorem quis, maximus massa. Nullam eget ultricies purus, eget convallis dolor. Sed ornare sem at erat ultricies condimentum. Phasellus luctus nisl sodales quam vehicula porta. Vestibulum sit amet scelerisque felis, id congue arcu. Ut efficitur mattis nisi vitae ornare. Quisque et nisi massa. Fusce auctor rutrum elit sed consectetur. Maecenas posuere malesuada fermentum. Vestibulum leo tellus, lacinia in convallis nec, condimentum pretium leo.
Mauris ligula purus, iaculis quis neque ac, sagittis malesuada velit. Phasellus facilisis lectus sit amet orci tristique fermentum. Donec sit amet lacus maximus, varius nisi a, cursus lorem. Nulla iaculis nunc diam, molestie sagittis magna bibendum quis. Pellentesque sollicitudin odio ut ipsum sodales varius. Praesent scelerisque eu dolor at dapibus. Suspendisse rhoncus urna eget orci sodales mattis. Curabitur ac lacus risus. Vestibulum metus nibh, venenatis quis ipsum quis, egestas varius leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas euismod porta vulputate.
Sed eget urna sit amet nisl mollis vulputate quis sed nunc. Maecenas vel nisl vel magna molestie ornare. Sed rhoncus malesuada consectetur. Integer volutpat sollicitudin elit sed vestibulum. Maecenas malesuada in tortor et convallis. Vivamus varius, est non commodo convallis, enim velit semper sapien, quis pharetra lacus libero vel nulla. Vivamus egestas felis id sem consequat finibus. Fusce at orci in diam euismod efficitur. Sed imperdiet, turpis vel dapibus luctus, enim risus ullamcorper quam, eget bibendum neque libero quis lacus.
Suspendisse tortor turpis, posuere sit amet mauris nec, varius dapibus velit. Fusce vel sapien rutrum, vehicula turpis et, aliquet mi. Ut vitae volutpat sem, sed tincidunt augue. Donec venenatis enim sem, eu rutrum mi rhoncus vitae. Pellentesque consectetur quis lectus id laoreet. Curabitur non venenatis justo. Aenean libero sapien, interdum non rutrum eu, bibendum vel justo. Integer arcu libero, luctus quis augue non, auctor ultricies urna. Etiam finibus auctor lectus quis consectetur. Aenean eget ex nec est mattis varius in quis augue.
[/size][/color][/font]</div>[/td] [/tr] [/table]
Yuji Admin
Aantal berichten : 111 Punten : 1 Leeftijd : 32 Woonplaats : The Shire
Character Naam: Yuji Sakurai Leeftijd: 18 jaar Aandoening: Dissociative Identity Disorder
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann za mei 09, 2015 11:20 am
[U]I D E N T I T Y[/U] [b]Full name[/b] Thys Ashton Wright [b]First name[/b] Thys [b]Surname[/b] Wright [b]Nickname(s)[/b] Thys, Thysje, Tea, Titi [b]Age[/b] 16 years old [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]D.O.B.[/b] 9 October [b]P.O.B.[/b] Iriolis [b]Bloodtype[/b] A- [b] Sexual Orientation[/b] Heterosexual
[u]R I K K A H I G H[/u] [b]Element[/b] Without element [b]Energy[/b] Both [b]Schoolyear[/b] Third
[u]D E S C R I P T I O N[/u] [b]Height[/b] 177 cm / 5’10” [b]Weight[/b] 65 kg / 145 lbs [b]Build[/b] Tall and slim, with some lean muscle. [b]Haircolour[/b] Blondish brown [b]Hairstyle[/b] Ear-length out-of-bed style. Quite springy and puffy. [b]Eyecolour[/b] Brown [b]Piercings/Tattoos[/b] Black stud piercing on his right ear. [b]Scars[/b] Linear scar in the nape of the neck from an operation. [b]Style[/b] Casual, street, comfortable. Doesn’t keep track of the latest fashion. Has the habit to wear old clothes that are now too small. Prefers sweaters and hoodies, in which a combination is best. Will possibly wear his clothes inside out, without any sense of colour combination. In short; he’s a fashion criminal. [b]Other[/b] Has some freckles across his nose and cheekbones.
[u]I N D I V I D U A L I T Y[/u] [b]Character[/b] Thys is a sweet boy, although he may come across as nervous and shy, which often leads in him being clumsy. It is not uncommon for him to drop stuff or bump into doorposts. Thys cares a lot about others. This is why people tend to feel comfortable and at ease around him. There isn’t much to dislike about Thys, maybe his everlasting energy and enthusiasm? Though interested in others, he himself does not have a lot of ambitions in life. Different from his peers, Thys likes to study and is very good at it. Unfortunately all this studying will be for naught in the long run, as, as said before, he has no current ambitions. Love is a difficult subject when it comes to Thys. As he is in life, he is clumsy in love too. More often than not it is a one-sided love from his side, which leads into rejection, which leads into a decrease in self-esteem. He won’t let stuff like this get him down, though it does result into him being more cautious. Which really is impossible since he seems to be falling for… anything really. Choices aren’t exactly Thys’ strong suit either. Where others will make them with ease, Thys will forever doubt his choices. Even worse, after he’s made a decision, he will most of the time regret it. Quite logical, this tends to be awfully frustrating for him. (Imagine shopping with this guy! Agony!) This perhaps may be another reason to dislike Thys. In conclusion, Thys is sweet, caring, slow but smart guy with a lot of doubts. [b]Hobbies[/b] Swimming, running, keeping track of the constellations, poker, risk, Rubix cube, going for walks, investigating, cooking and baking, dancing. [b]Likes[/b] Asher, water, big bodies of water, helping people, Yakult, puddings, noodles, donuts, cosplay, anime, concerts, music, chicken, soft blankets, fantasy genre, drizzling rain, pizza, optical illusions, psychology, vitamin drinks, pineapple, his friends. [b]Dislikes[/b] Cats, thunder, sour foods, the news, commercials, hot weather, retro ringtones, lemon, drawing, shopping, discrimination. [b]Fears[/b] Thunder, storms, earthquakes, the end of the world, insert all nature disasters, mice, Friday 13th, cats, Asher dying.
[u]B A C K G R O U N D[/u] [b]History[/b] [i]Prologue[/i] ssde.
[i]Childhood[/i] sd.
[i]Teenage Years[/i] sd.
[b]Family[/b] Father- Jeremy Wright Mother - Dory Wright Twin brother - Asher Rhys Wright
[u]T R I V I A[/u] + Thys is thirteen minutes older than his twin brother Asher. + Thys does not like nicknames and prefers to be called by the name ‘Thys’. + Thys’ favourite colour is blue. + Thys’ ideal woman is a girl who’s not too feminine, but not manly either. Someone who takes good care of themselves and is sweet by character. (but really, if she’s female, Thys’ll like her) + Thys doesn’t really ever get really angry.
Yuji Admin
Aantal berichten : 111 Punten : 1 Leeftijd : 32 Woonplaats : The Shire
Character Naam: Yuji Sakurai Leeftijd: 18 jaar Aandoening: Dissociative Identity Disorder
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann zo mei 10, 2015 10:56 am
rubik's cube +
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla finibus, orci id faucibus congue, mauris urna tempus eros, vel egestas risus ante sit amet mi. Etiam sagittis arcu at magna bibendum, vitae porta orci egestas. Aliquam cursus justo sit amet lectus semper volutpat. Vestibulum cursus nisl non fermentum ullamcorper. Aliquam gravida ante luctus fermentum porttitor. Etiam id turpis condimentum massa aliquet ultrices vel id ipsum. Nullam malesuada risus condimentum lorem venenatis tristique quis ut sapien. Integer finibus pharetra massa, id sagittis mi dictum pretium. Duis non cursus ipsum. Ut ullamcorper auctor venenatis.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ac lorem eget ligula porttitor ullamcorper vel vel purus. Proin purus augue, mollis vitae arcu quis, vehicula pellentesque erat. Mauris lobortis lorem in diam lacinia, a consectetur erat sollicitudin. Etiam non fermentum tellus, nec malesuada ante. Nulla vulputate accumsan diam vel lacinia. Quisque consequat lectus sit amet est viverra, nec vestibulum metus tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur eu ante erat. Aenean dictum auctor tortor, in ultricies diam pellentesque non. Nam id luctus leo. Cras accumsan vestibulum erat nec lacinia. Quisque sit amet volutpat nunc.
Nunc ultrices, neque sed ullamcorper elementum, dui tellus vehicula enim, quis porttitor odio est rutrum ex. Sed hendrerit ut nulla sit amet ornare. Proin et urna arcu. Integer egestas dui at felis facilisis bibendum. Nullam et euismod nisl, ut placerat nulla. In scelerisque nisl erat, id auctor libero facilisis vel. Etiam faucibus lobortis sollicitudin. Integer in interdum nisi. Donec luctus blandit lacinia. Quisque fermentum purus a dictum lacinia. Quisque venenatis metus congue odio tincidunt accumsan. Fusce urna dolor, eleifend vel egestas eleifend, cursus et ex. Integer tincidunt sed libero et dapibus. Cras vestibulum varius lacus sit amet luctus.
Duis vel porta purus, et posuere lectus. Nunc et nunc vitae quam sodales vulputate. Nulla facilisi. Duis nec eros rhoncus, ultrices arcu in, lobortis nisi. Cras massa erat, ornare eu fringilla luctus, elementum vitae felis. Vestibulum dapibus, ex ut mollis viverra, dolor nisi vulputate dui, non vestibulum urna orci sed sapien. Aliquam risus metus, consequat at semper eu, consectetur in ipsum. Cras consectetur volutpat arcu non commodo. Nam lobortis, augue in suscipit ultrices, nulla urna vehicula justo, sed sollicitudin ipsum massa ac odio. Duis maximus finibus ornare. Donec nec libero in lorem tempor consequat. Aliquam auctor aliquam lobortis. Donec fringilla erat nulla, a efficitur lorem eleifend non.
Donec volutpat feugiat facilisis. Ut neque nisi, dapibus ac consequat ac, blandit et nibh. Vivamus ullamcorper arcu vel turpis rutrum gravida. Morbi a mollis eros, quis commodo erat. Sed velit enim, mattis sit amet velit eget, efficitur consectetur dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nec neque lacinia, laoreet purus id, porta diam. Morbi gravida nunc id nulla ultricies accumsan. Fusce ornare finibus ex non aliquam. Suspendisse euismod, libero ac pharetra ullamcorper, purus dui blandit metus, ut semper odio leo sed lectus. Nam a neque sem.
<center><div class="axic"><div class="aaxicbg"><div class="axi"><input type="checkbox" class="axit" id="plus"><label for="plus">+</label></input><div class="axiw"><div class="axii"><div class="axile">rubik's cube <span style="color: #4ecdc4;">+</span></div><div class="axicon"><div class="axil"><span style="color: #4ecdc4;">L</span>orem</div>ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla finibus, orci id faucibus congue, mauris urna tempus eros, vel egestas risus ante sit amet mi. Etiam sagittis arcu at magna bibendum, vitae porta orci egestas. Aliquam cursus justo sit amet lectus semper volutpat. Vestibulum cursus nisl non fermentum ullamcorper. Aliquam gravida ante luctus fermentum porttitor. Etiam id turpis condimentum massa aliquet ultrices vel id ipsum. Nullam malesuada risus condimentum lorem venenatis tristique quis ut sapien. Integer finibus pharetra massa, id sagittis mi dictum pretium. Duis non cursus ipsum. Ut ullamcorper auctor venenatis.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ac lorem eget ligula porttitor ullamcorper vel vel purus. Proin purus augue, mollis vitae arcu quis, vehicula pellentesque erat. Mauris lobortis lorem in diam lacinia, a consectetur erat sollicitudin. Etiam non fermentum tellus, nec malesuada ante. Nulla vulputate accumsan diam vel lacinia. Quisque consequat lectus sit amet est viverra, nec vestibulum metus tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur eu ante erat. Aenean dictum auctor tortor, in ultricies diam pellentesque non. Nam id luctus leo. Cras accumsan vestibulum erat nec lacinia. Quisque sit amet volutpat nunc.
Nunc ultrices, neque sed ullamcorper elementum, dui tellus vehicula enim, quis porttitor odio est rutrum ex. Sed hendrerit ut nulla sit amet ornare. Proin et urna arcu. Integer egestas dui at felis facilisis bibendum. Nullam et euismod nisl, ut placerat nulla. In scelerisque nisl erat, id auctor libero facilisis vel. Etiam faucibus lobortis sollicitudin. Integer in interdum nisi. Donec luctus blandit lacinia. Quisque fermentum purus a dictum lacinia. Quisque venenatis metus congue odio tincidunt accumsan. Fusce urna dolor, eleifend vel egestas eleifend, cursus et ex. Integer tincidunt sed libero et dapibus. Cras vestibulum varius lacus sit amet luctus.
Duis vel porta purus, et posuere lectus. Nunc et nunc vitae quam sodales vulputate. Nulla facilisi. Duis nec eros rhoncus, ultrices arcu in, lobortis nisi. Cras massa erat, ornare eu fringilla luctus, elementum vitae felis. Vestibulum dapibus, ex ut mollis viverra, dolor nisi vulputate dui, non vestibulum urna orci sed sapien. Aliquam risus metus, consequat at semper eu, consectetur in ipsum. Cras consectetur volutpat arcu non commodo. Nam lobortis, augue in suscipit ultrices, nulla urna vehicula justo, sed sollicitudin ipsum massa ac odio. Duis maximus finibus ornare. Donec nec libero in lorem tempor consequat. Aliquam auctor aliquam lobortis. Donec fringilla erat nulla, a efficitur lorem eleifend non.
Laatst aangepast door Yuji op zo mei 10, 2015 11:02 am; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Yuji Admin
Aantal berichten : 111 Punten : 1 Leeftijd : 32 Woonplaats : The Shire
Character Naam: Yuji Sakurai Leeftijd: 18 jaar Aandoening: Dissociative Identity Disorder
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann zo mei 10, 2015 10:58 am
rubik's cube +
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla finibus, orci id faucibus congue, mauris urna tempus eros, vel egestas risus ante sit amet mi. Etiam sagittis arcu at magna bibendum, vitae porta orci egestas. Aliquam cursus justo sit amet lectus semper volutpat. Vestibulum cursus nisl non fermentum ullamcorper. Aliquam gravida ante luctus fermentum porttitor. Etiam id turpis condimentum massa aliquet ultrices vel id ipsum. Nullam malesuada risus condimentum lorem venenatis tristique quis ut sapien. Integer finibus pharetra massa, id sagittis mi dictum pretium. Duis non cursus ipsum. Ut ullamcorper auctor venenatis.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ac lorem eget ligula porttitor ullamcorper vel vel purus. Proin purus augue, mollis vitae arcu quis, vehicula pellentesque erat. Mauris lobortis lorem in diam lacinia, a consectetur erat sollicitudin. Etiam non fermentum tellus, nec malesuada ante. Nulla vulputate accumsan diam vel lacinia. Quisque consequat lectus sit amet est viverra, nec vestibulum metus tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur eu ante erat. Aenean dictum auctor tortor, in ultricies diam pellentesque non. Nam id luctus leo. Cras accumsan vestibulum erat nec lacinia. Quisque sit amet volutpat nunc.
Nunc ultrices, neque sed ullamcorper elementum, dui tellus vehicula enim, quis porttitor odio est rutrum ex. Sed hendrerit ut nulla sit amet ornare. Proin et urna arcu. Integer egestas dui at felis facilisis bibendum. Nullam et euismod nisl, ut placerat nulla. In scelerisque nisl erat, id auctor libero facilisis vel. Etiam faucibus lobortis sollicitudin. Integer in interdum nisi. Donec luctus blandit lacinia. Quisque fermentum purus a dictum lacinia. Quisque venenatis metus congue odio tincidunt accumsan. Fusce urna dolor, eleifend vel egestas eleifend, cursus et ex. Integer tincidunt sed libero et dapibus. Cras vestibulum varius lacus sit amet luctus.
Duis vel porta purus, et posuere lectus. Nunc et nunc vitae quam sodales vulputate. Nulla facilisi. Duis nec eros rhoncus, ultrices arcu in, lobortis nisi. Cras massa erat, ornare eu fringilla luctus, elementum vitae felis. Vestibulum dapibus, ex ut mollis viverra, dolor nisi vulputate dui, non vestibulum urna orci sed sapien. Aliquam risus metus, consequat at semper eu, consectetur in ipsum. Cras consectetur volutpat arcu non commodo. Nam lobortis, augue in suscipit ultrices, nulla urna vehicula justo, sed sollicitudin ipsum massa ac odio. Duis maximus finibus ornare. Donec nec libero in lorem tempor consequat. Aliquam auctor aliquam lobortis. Donec fringilla erat nulla, a efficitur lorem eleifend non.
Donec volutpat feugiat facilisis. Ut neque nisi, dapibus ac consequat ac, blandit et nibh. Vivamus ullamcorper arcu vel turpis rutrum gravida. Morbi a mollis eros, quis commodo erat. Sed velit enim, mattis sit amet velit eget, efficitur consectetur dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nec neque lacinia, laoreet purus id, porta diam. Morbi gravida nunc id nulla ultricies accumsan. Fusce ornare finibus ex non aliquam. Suspendisse euismod, libero ac pharetra ullamcorper, purus dui blandit metus, ut semper odio leo sed lectus. Nam a neque sem.
<center><div class="axic"><div class="aaaxicbg"><div class="axi"><input type="checkbox" class="axit" id="plus"><label for="plus">+</label></input><div class="axiw"><div class="axii"><div class="axile">rubik's cube <span style="color: #4ecdc4;">+</span></div><div class="axicon"><div class="axil"><span style="color: #4ecdc4;">L</span>orem</div>ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla finibus, orci id faucibus congue, mauris urna tempus eros, vel egestas risus ante sit amet mi. Etiam sagittis arcu at magna bibendum, vitae porta orci egestas. Aliquam cursus justo sit amet lectus semper volutpat. Vestibulum cursus nisl non fermentum ullamcorper. Aliquam gravida ante luctus fermentum porttitor. Etiam id turpis condimentum massa aliquet ultrices vel id ipsum. Nullam malesuada risus condimentum lorem venenatis tristique quis ut sapien. Integer finibus pharetra massa, id sagittis mi dictum pretium. Duis non cursus ipsum. Ut ullamcorper auctor venenatis.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ac lorem eget ligula porttitor ullamcorper vel vel purus. Proin purus augue, mollis vitae arcu quis, vehicula pellentesque erat. Mauris lobortis lorem in diam lacinia, a consectetur erat sollicitudin. Etiam non fermentum tellus, nec malesuada ante. Nulla vulputate accumsan diam vel lacinia. Quisque consequat lectus sit amet est viverra, nec vestibulum metus tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur eu ante erat. Aenean dictum auctor tortor, in ultricies diam pellentesque non. Nam id luctus leo. Cras accumsan vestibulum erat nec lacinia. Quisque sit amet volutpat nunc.
Nunc ultrices, neque sed ullamcorper elementum, dui tellus vehicula enim, quis porttitor odio est rutrum ex. Sed hendrerit ut nulla sit amet ornare. Proin et urna arcu. Integer egestas dui at felis facilisis bibendum. Nullam et euismod nisl, ut placerat nulla. In scelerisque nisl erat, id auctor libero facilisis vel. Etiam faucibus lobortis sollicitudin. Integer in interdum nisi. Donec luctus blandit lacinia. Quisque fermentum purus a dictum lacinia. Quisque venenatis metus congue odio tincidunt accumsan. Fusce urna dolor, eleifend vel egestas eleifend, cursus et ex. Integer tincidunt sed libero et dapibus. Cras vestibulum varius lacus sit amet luctus.
Duis vel porta purus, et posuere lectus. Nunc et nunc vitae quam sodales vulputate. Nulla facilisi. Duis nec eros rhoncus, ultrices arcu in, lobortis nisi. Cras massa erat, ornare eu fringilla luctus, elementum vitae felis. Vestibulum dapibus, ex ut mollis viverra, dolor nisi vulputate dui, non vestibulum urna orci sed sapien. Aliquam risus metus, consequat at semper eu, consectetur in ipsum. Cras consectetur volutpat arcu non commodo. Nam lobortis, augue in suscipit ultrices, nulla urna vehicula justo, sed sollicitudin ipsum massa ac odio. Duis maximus finibus ornare. Donec nec libero in lorem tempor consequat. Aliquam auctor aliquam lobortis. Donec fringilla erat nulla, a efficitur lorem eleifend non.
Laatst aangepast door Yuji op zo mei 10, 2015 11:03 am; in totaal 1 keer bewerkt
Yuji Admin
Aantal berichten : 111 Punten : 1 Leeftijd : 32 Woonplaats : The Shire
Character Naam: Yuji Sakurai Leeftijd: 18 jaar Aandoening: Dissociative Identity Disorder
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann zo mei 10, 2015 10:59 am
rubik's cube +
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla finibus, orci id faucibus congue, mauris urna tempus eros, vel egestas risus ante sit amet mi. Etiam sagittis arcu at magna bibendum, vitae porta orci egestas. Aliquam cursus justo sit amet lectus semper volutpat. Vestibulum cursus nisl non fermentum ullamcorper. Aliquam gravida ante luctus fermentum porttitor. Etiam id turpis condimentum massa aliquet ultrices vel id ipsum. Nullam malesuada risus condimentum lorem venenatis tristique quis ut sapien. Integer finibus pharetra massa, id sagittis mi dictum pretium. Duis non cursus ipsum. Ut ullamcorper auctor venenatis.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ac lorem eget ligula porttitor ullamcorper vel vel purus. Proin purus augue, mollis vitae arcu quis, vehicula pellentesque erat. Mauris lobortis lorem in diam lacinia, a consectetur erat sollicitudin. Etiam non fermentum tellus, nec malesuada ante. Nulla vulputate accumsan diam vel lacinia. Quisque consequat lectus sit amet est viverra, nec vestibulum metus tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur eu ante erat. Aenean dictum auctor tortor, in ultricies diam pellentesque non. Nam id luctus leo. Cras accumsan vestibulum erat nec lacinia. Quisque sit amet volutpat nunc.
Nunc ultrices, neque sed ullamcorper elementum, dui tellus vehicula enim, quis porttitor odio est rutrum ex. Sed hendrerit ut nulla sit amet ornare. Proin et urna arcu. Integer egestas dui at felis facilisis bibendum. Nullam et euismod nisl, ut placerat nulla. In scelerisque nisl erat, id auctor libero facilisis vel. Etiam faucibus lobortis sollicitudin. Integer in interdum nisi. Donec luctus blandit lacinia. Quisque fermentum purus a dictum lacinia. Quisque venenatis metus congue odio tincidunt accumsan. Fusce urna dolor, eleifend vel egestas eleifend, cursus et ex. Integer tincidunt sed libero et dapibus. Cras vestibulum varius lacus sit amet luctus.
Duis vel porta purus, et posuere lectus. Nunc et nunc vitae quam sodales vulputate. Nulla facilisi. Duis nec eros rhoncus, ultrices arcu in, lobortis nisi. Cras massa erat, ornare eu fringilla luctus, elementum vitae felis. Vestibulum dapibus, ex ut mollis viverra, dolor nisi vulputate dui, non vestibulum urna orci sed sapien. Aliquam risus metus, consequat at semper eu, consectetur in ipsum. Cras consectetur volutpat arcu non commodo. Nam lobortis, augue in suscipit ultrices, nulla urna vehicula justo, sed sollicitudin ipsum massa ac odio. Duis maximus finibus ornare. Donec nec libero in lorem tempor consequat. Aliquam auctor aliquam lobortis. Donec fringilla erat nulla, a efficitur lorem eleifend non.
Donec volutpat feugiat facilisis. Ut neque nisi, dapibus ac consequat ac, blandit et nibh. Vivamus ullamcorper arcu vel turpis rutrum gravida. Morbi a mollis eros, quis commodo erat. Sed velit enim, mattis sit amet velit eget, efficitur consectetur dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur nec neque lacinia, laoreet purus id, porta diam. Morbi gravida nunc id nulla ultricies accumsan. Fusce ornare finibus ex non aliquam. Suspendisse euismod, libero ac pharetra ullamcorper, purus dui blandit metus, ut semper odio leo sed lectus. Nam a neque sem.
<center><div class="axic"><div class="axicbg"><div class="axi"><input type="checkbox" class="axit" id="plus"><label for="plus">+</label></input><div class="axiw"><div class="axii"><div class="axile">rubik's cube <span style="color: #4ecdc4;">+</span></div><div class="axicon"><div class="axil"><span style="color: #4ecdc4;">L</span>orem</div>ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla finibus, orci id faucibus congue, mauris urna tempus eros, vel egestas risus ante sit amet mi. Etiam sagittis arcu at magna bibendum, vitae porta orci egestas. Aliquam cursus justo sit amet lectus semper volutpat. Vestibulum cursus nisl non fermentum ullamcorper. Aliquam gravida ante luctus fermentum porttitor. Etiam id turpis condimentum massa aliquet ultrices vel id ipsum. Nullam malesuada risus condimentum lorem venenatis tristique quis ut sapien. Integer finibus pharetra massa, id sagittis mi dictum pretium. Duis non cursus ipsum. Ut ullamcorper auctor venenatis.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ac lorem eget ligula porttitor ullamcorper vel vel purus. Proin purus augue, mollis vitae arcu quis, vehicula pellentesque erat. Mauris lobortis lorem in diam lacinia, a consectetur erat sollicitudin. Etiam non fermentum tellus, nec malesuada ante. Nulla vulputate accumsan diam vel lacinia. Quisque consequat lectus sit amet est viverra, nec vestibulum metus tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur eu ante erat. Aenean dictum auctor tortor, in ultricies diam pellentesque non. Nam id luctus leo. Cras accumsan vestibulum erat nec lacinia. Quisque sit amet volutpat nunc.
Nunc ultrices, neque sed ullamcorper elementum, dui tellus vehicula enim, quis porttitor odio est rutrum ex. Sed hendrerit ut nulla sit amet ornare. Proin et urna arcu. Integer egestas dui at felis facilisis bibendum. Nullam et euismod nisl, ut placerat nulla. In scelerisque nisl erat, id auctor libero facilisis vel. Etiam faucibus lobortis sollicitudin. Integer in interdum nisi. Donec luctus blandit lacinia. Quisque fermentum purus a dictum lacinia. Quisque venenatis metus congue odio tincidunt accumsan. Fusce urna dolor, eleifend vel egestas eleifend, cursus et ex. Integer tincidunt sed libero et dapibus. Cras vestibulum varius lacus sit amet luctus.
Duis vel porta purus, et posuere lectus. Nunc et nunc vitae quam sodales vulputate. Nulla facilisi. Duis nec eros rhoncus, ultrices arcu in, lobortis nisi. Cras massa erat, ornare eu fringilla luctus, elementum vitae felis. Vestibulum dapibus, ex ut mollis viverra, dolor nisi vulputate dui, non vestibulum urna orci sed sapien. Aliquam risus metus, consequat at semper eu, consectetur in ipsum. Cras consectetur volutpat arcu non commodo. Nam lobortis, augue in suscipit ultrices, nulla urna vehicula justo, sed sollicitudin ipsum massa ac odio. Duis maximus finibus ornare. Donec nec libero in lorem tempor consequat. Aliquam auctor aliquam lobortis. Donec fringilla erat nulla, a efficitur lorem eleifend non.
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann ma mei 25, 2015 4:30 am
Princely type
Ludwig Will Kresnik
Host Ludwig Will Kresnik Name: Ludwig Will Kresnik Type: Princely type Function: Oprichter/president van RHHC, host Likes: Koken en bakken, houdt van cakes decoreren met hartjes en andere fluff, een prins of prinses haar glimlach, vrije tijd, de host club, tomaten, natuur, tekenen en muziek. Favorite food: Ludwig is gek op alle soorten italiaans eten. Zolang er maar tomaten in zitten is het voor Ludwig goed! Ook zoete dingen kunnen er soms wel doorheen, hoewel zijn maag zure dingen minder goed kan verdragen... Host skill: Ludwig kan goed koken en bakken, hij is daarbij dus een ster in het maken van gespecialiseerde cakes voor prinsessen en prinsen. Ook kan hij goed luisteren en een prinses werkelijk goed over zichzelf laten voelen. Message:“If music be the food of love, play on.”
According to you, what is the most romantic spot? A forest clearing during sunset or a beach during night because the way the moonrays hit the face of a princess is simply breathtaking! It makes them glow! If you were to be an animal, what animal would it be? Hmm, tough one but probably a golden retriever, loyal and true to my prince or princess until the day I die. Please describe the word love in your own words. Love is when the little things in life, the sad and the beautiful remind you of that person. It's also trusting eachother without the constraints of boundaries. In the end love is special and thus different for everyone! Where would you like to go on vacation? I'd want to go to my home country; Elion. I'd take my princess or prince with me and snuggle in front of the fireplace at night to keep warm, drink hot chocolate etc. What inspires you? Good music, the smell of fresh bread and the smiles on our customer's faces. What is your biggest wish? That all of the princesses and princes in the world could be happy and could come visit us. I'd like to serve as much people as possible! What is your favorite music? I like instrumental music, especially piano music and violin music. I also like happy cutesy music and the music that our hosts make~! Why did you join the host club? I created the host club because of my wish to greet princesses with a smile and serve them to my best effort for nothing but a smile in return! Besides that, precious memories can be made in the host club, I'd like to think that every moment spent in the host club is a precious one. What will you find under your bed? Mostly dust, but also some books and a small wooden box I keep all my secrets in. But don't tell anyone that! shhh! What do you absolutely hate? People who don't treat our princes and princesses with the respect they deserve. Describe your ideal princess. All our princesses and princes are my ideal type! They are all cute, beatiful and in case of the boys handsome ;]
Bad boy type
Leroy 'Hero' Jenkins
Host Hero Name: Hero Type: Bad Boy Type Function: Financiën Likes: Lange strandwandelingen, Rennen (het liefst zo snel mogelijk), sporten in het algemeen, studeren (maar dan stiekempjes), 'normale' gesprekken, meisjes plagen, chillen/hangen, dieren en pizza. Favorite food: Hij eet eigenlijk alles wel, maar is helemaal niet zo'n fan van zoete dingen - hij trekt eerder een naar gezicht door iets zoets dan door iets zuurs. Maar dit houdt echter niet in dat hij niet kieskeurig is: hij weigert met gemak dingen en voelt zich er vervolgens niet eens slecht over. Host skill:Hero is eigenlijk een alleskunner, hij kan alles wel. Maar als er één ding is wat hem anders maakt van de anderen dan is het wel het feit dat hij een fantastische luisteraar is - maar of hij ook echt wat ermee doet is weer een ander verhaal. Message:"Being able to laugh with someone is a great blessing, especially when she has a great smile - for that is what a girl suits best: a nice smile."
According to you, what is the most romantic spot? Well, I don't want to sound cheesy but I really like the sunset and a place where you can watch it nicely: like the rooftops or the beach. If you were to be an animal, what animal would it be?The big bad Wolf. Or rather a dog, so I don't have to make excuses for protecting other people.. Please describe the word love in your own words. Love is a luxury. A luxury that some people just can't effort, people like me. Where would you like to go on vacation? Well I can go everywhere, so to be honest the whole idea of vacation gets pretty boring than. I just like the idea that I don't have to go to school. What inspires you? Nothing. I had an idol, but he turned out to be a totally different person. The only thing that inspires me, is me. What is your biggest wish? To really be 'free'. What is your favorite music? All techno genres. Why did you join the host club? I get bored easily. What will you find under your bed? Haha, you don't wanna know that.
Cute type
Host Isaiah Name: Isaiah Type: The cute one <3 Likes: Isaiah houdt van cupcakes en taartjes. Hij houdt van lezen en informatie opdoen. Daarnaast tuiniert de jongen in zijn vrije tijd zo nu en dan. Favorite food: Isaiah is dol op alles wat je hem brengt! Enkel het idee dat jij je tijd genomen hebt om voor hem iets te maken of halen, maakt de jongen al dolblij! Host skill: Isaiah is een geweldige gesprekspartner! Zit je ergens over in? Ben je blij om iets? Wil je gewoon een beetje babbelen? Isaiah is er voor je! Hij is een echte schouder om op te steunen, maar is ook in staat je geluk te verdubbelen! Hoewel hij meer een luisteraar is en jou het liefst hoort praten, kan hij er zelf toch ook wat van! Message: ..... (¯`v´¯)♥ .......•.¸.•´ ....¸.•´ ... ( ☻/ /▌♥♥ / \ ♥♥
According to you, what is the most romantic spot? Anywhere, as long as I'm with you <3 If you were to be an animal, what animal would it be? A butterfly. It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. I may be little and unimportant, but my actions might just greatly effect the lives of others! Please describe the word love in your own words. Love is caring for each other. Love is joking around and even getting into the occasional fight. Love is staying together in the good and the bad times. Love is something indescribable, but for you, my dear, I tried <3 Where would you like to go on vacation? I would like to visit the beaches of Eldara and lay in the sun aaaaall day! c: What inspires you? The idea that all the great masterminds started out as students, just like us! What is your biggest wish? That you, my love, will be happy! What is your favorite music? I like any kind of music, really! Why did you join the host club? Because this way, I'm able to bring a smile onto anyone's face every day! What will you find under your bed? Let's not answer this question. What do you absolutely hate? To see you cry! ): Describe your ideal princess. Everyone is special in their own way and to me, that's the most important thing! <3
Cool/silent type
Dave Cameron
Host Dave Cameron Name: Dave Type: Cool / silent type Function: Co-president / Finance / Advertising Likes:To listen and only have ears for your partner, ballroom dancing, fan gifts, music, time to talk in private Favorite food: Every kind of chocolate Host skill: Dancing Message: You make the stars come out just to light your face
According to you, what is the most romantic spot? Lake Mesmore If you were to be an animal, what animal would it be? A cat Please describe the word love in your own words. Love is leaving, yet always returning to my arms. Where would you like to go on vacation? The forests of Eldara What inspires you? The sunset What is your biggest wish?To make everyone smile What is your favorite music? Genre doesn’t matter, lyrics do Why did you join the host club? To listen and see every single prince and princess leave smiling What will you find under your bed? The key to my heart What do you absolutely hate? Nosy people Describe your ideal princess. A person who is not afraid to tell what’s bothering him/her, someone with a lovely smile and someone who’s not afraid to put trust in others. A calm yet colourful person to hold close at all times. Someone who will let me be as precious to him/her as he/she is to me.
Fun, casual type
Allen Springs
Host Allen Springs Name: Allen Springs (but also listens when you call him Charlie or Ginger) Type: The Master of Mischief, the fun casual type Likes:Jokes, fooling around, confetti, surprises, getting in trouble (and escaping from it again), sports, especially football, dancing, music, parties, randomness, high-fives, his family, lazy Sundays at the beach. Favorite food: Drank. Hamburgers, pizza, icecream, CAKE; food in general 030. Host skill:Sparkling things up, mini fireworks, winking, making pancakes/pizza. Message:Let's dance 'till the world ends
According to you, what is the most romantic spot? In Rikka High that would be the rooftops, but I also like the bridge and the secret gazebo in Central Park. If you were to be an animal, what animal would it be? A Phoenix or a f*cking majestic dragon Please describe the word love in your own words. Love is giving somebody your last slice of pizza, without them even having to ask. Where would you like to go on vacation? Roadtrip through Eldara What inspires you? Eh.. The joy of other Astrals. What is your biggest wish? .・゜゜・✧ To make my girl feel special ✧・゜゜・. What is your favorite music? Pop/Poprock. Why did you join the host club? I like spending time with other Astrals, I just want to have a good time and have fun; laughing is healthy you know! So let's chat a bit and see where it goes. Nothing is mandatory, everything is permitted. What will you find under your bed? A stash of goodies for emergency parties, maybe a sandwich for a midnightly snack. What do you absolutely hate? Naggers. Describe your ideal princess. She's loose, sees the good in everything and smiles a lot. She can be confident, but is not self-absorbed, loves to joke around and is in for crazy last-minute plans! She's not afraid to be herself and is open to new experiences.
Dark type
Xavier Slade
Host Xavier Slade Name: Xavier Type: Dark type Likes: Rock muziek, nacht, reptielen, literatuur, kalligrafie Favorite food: Fruit (vooral druiven), mokka-gerelateerde dingen, pure chocolade, en bij god niets met vlees, want dan gooit hij je in the pit Host skill: Thee zetten, henna tattoo’s zetten (dus hij kan voor de prinsesjes mooie designs maken) Message: You’re so cute I want to puke sweet enough? >_>
According to you, what is the most romantic spot? An open field when it’s night If you were to be an animal, what animal would it be? A snake so I can slither around your body and neck and squeeze down on you Please describe the word love in your own words. No, fuck you Where would you like to go on vacation? Not really a vacation, more like a roadtrip through continents What inspires you? Literature What is your biggest wish? I don’t have wishes What is your favorite music? Primarily rock Why did you join the host club? Money. I’m really not doing this for fun What will you find under your bed? Probably knives What do you absolutely hate? What don’t I hate? Describe your ideal princess.The ideal princess is a dead princess Have a bit of spice, will ya?
Wild type
Rezso Laevantein
Host Rezso Laevantein Name: Rezso Type: Wild type Function: The club musscle. Likes:Cute small things. Has a love for kittens. Favorite food: He likes absolutely everything, but prefers sweet and hot things Host skill:Mensen vermaken met zijn basspel (zowel op basgitaar als op cello). Ook kan hij elke lieftallige dame optillen als een echte princess. Message: *silence*..........I don't mind you.........*silence*
According to you, what is the most romantic spot? Grass near water. If you were to be an animal, what animal would it be? Cat. Please describe the word love in your own words. "..." Where would you like to go on vacation? Home. What inspires you? Father. What is your biggest wish? "..." What is your favorite music? Rock. Why did you join the host club? "..." What will you find under your bed? Dust. What do you absolutely hate? Nothing. Describe your ideal princess. Cute.
?????, ??, ???
Als je lid wil worden als host van de hostclub contacteer dan Ludwig Will Kresnik of een van de andere hosts!
Laatst aangepast door William op ma mei 25, 2015 8:39 am; in totaal 3 keer bewerkt
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann ma mei 25, 2015 6:12 am
Rikka High Host club is een speciale club opgericht door knappe mannen met teveel tijd om handen voor jonge prinsessen en prinsen die ook teveel tijd om handen hebben. De hosts verwelkomen je met een glimlach en een buiging waarbij ze je naar hartenlust proberen te bedienen en entertainen. Naast het kwaliteits gezelschap van de verschillende hosts kunnen de prinsessen en prinsen hier ook zoete snacks nuttigen, alsmede van verschillende wereldtheeën proeven uit het mooiste porselein. Kortom wordt er hier alles aan gedaan zodat je met glimlach op je gezicht en een hart vol van affectie de deur weer uit loopt!
Voor iedere prinses of prins die de deuren van zijn of haar hart opengooit is er wel een host die deze kan opvullen met zoete lekkernijen en charmante woorden. Bij binnenkomst kun je als prinses/prins aangeven bij welke host je het liefst geplaatst wil worden, maar voor prinsessen en prinsen die voor het eerst hun hart open zetten is het ook mogelijk om voor een uur te rouleren tussen hosts tot de prinses of prins zijn of haar favoriet gevonden heeft.
Hoewel er op affectie, aandacht, geluk en prille liefde natuurlijk geen prijs staat is het voor de host club helaas onmogelijk om deze zonder 'kleine' bijdrage runnend te houden. Dit houdt in dat er voor sommige activiteiten er naast de basis-tarief nog een kleine bijdrage bij komt. Voor meer informatie prijzen voor de verschillende activiteiten kun je bij host Dave terecht die je in alle vreugde zal informeren. Maar om al een kleine indicatie te geven voor wat je kunt verwachten en wat de mogelijkheden zijn verwijs ik je graag door naar de volgende sectie.
Special events Eens in de zoveel tijd houdt de host club zogenaamde 'special events', zoals hosting in thema (middeleeuwen). Eens per maand zal er tevens een toneelstuk worden opgevoerd door de volledige of een deel van de hostclub; dit gaat van serieuze stukken tot komische skits en is elke maand anders, tickets kunnen terzijnertijd gekocht worden bij de host Hero. Zo nu en dan worden er ook uitstapjes gemaakt waarbij de volledige host club 'verplaatst' wordt naar een andere locatie (het strand, picknickvelden etc.). Houd er hierbij wel rekening mee dat mogelijkerwijs niet alle dranken en etenswaren geserveerd kunnen worden.
N.B.1: Bij eventuele ongelukken, niet gevreesd! Een aantal van onze hosts zijn geoefend in mond op mond beademing en ook kleine wonden zijn geen probleem! N.B.2: Rolstoel gangers of prinsen en prinsessen die slecht ter been zijn, zijn natuurlijk ook van harte welkom bij ons! N.B.3: Aangezien niet iedere host, prinses of prins tegen de haren kan van je geliefde huisdier, vragen we jullie vriendelijk deze thuis te laten. Met uitzondering van blindegeleide honden.
Openingstijden De vroege openingstijden zijn tussen 10:00-12:00 en in de pauzes. De late openingstijden zijn vanaf 16:00-21:00.
N.B.1: Soms kan het voorkomen dat de host club onverwachts gesloten is i.v.m. onverwachte schoolactiviteiten. Wij vragen hiervoor onze prinsessen en prinsen hun begrip! N.B.2: Niet iedere host heeft hetzelfde rooster waardoor het kan voorkomen dat een bepaalde host niet aanwezig is gedurende de openingstijden Ook hiervoor vragen we jullie oneindige geduld. Voor de schoolroosters kun je terecht bij de betreffende host zelf. Houd wel in gedachten dat deze niet verplicht is deze te geven.
Contact Tel: +0031-4523784 Fax: +0032-4523781 Voor algemene informatie en vragen stuur een bericht naar Ludwig Will Kresnik. Voor vragen betreft financieën stuur een bericht naar Leroy 'Hero' Jenkins. Voor vragen of ideeën betreft marketing van de host club stuur je een bericht naar Dave Cameron.
Rikka High Host club is een speciale club opgericht door knappe mannen met teveel tijd om handen voor jonge prinsessen en prinsen die ook teveel tijd om handen hebben. De hosts verwelkomen je met een glimlach en een buiging waarbij ze je naar hartenlust proberen te bedienen en entertainen. Naast het kwaliteits gezelschap van de verschillende hosts kunnen de prinsessen en prinsen hier ook zoete snacks nuttigen, alsmede van verschillende wereldtheeën proeven uit het mooiste porselein. Kortom wordt er hier alles aan gedaan zodat je met glimlach op je gezicht en een hart vol van affectie de deur weer uit loopt!
Voor iedere prinses of prins die de deuren van zijn of haar hart opengooit is er wel een host die deze kan opvullen met zoete lekkernijen en charmante woorden. Bij binnenkomst kun je als prinses/prins aangeven bij welke host je het liefst geplaatst wil worden, maar voor prinsessen en prinsen die voor het eerst hun hart open zetten is het ook mogelijk om voor een uur te rouleren tussen hosts tot de prinses of prins zijn of haar favoriet gevonden heeft.
Hoewel er op affectie, aandacht, geluk en prille liefde natuurlijk geen prijs staat is het voor de host club helaas onmogelijk om deze zonder 'kleine' bijdrage runnend te houden. Dit houdt in dat er voor sommige activiteiten er naast de basis-tarief nog een kleine bijdrage bij komt. Voor meer informatie prijzen voor de verschillende activiteiten kun je bij host Dave terecht die je in alle vreugde zal informeren. Maar om al een kleine indicatie te geven voor wat je kunt verwachten en wat de mogelijkheden zijn verwijs ik je graag door naar de volgende sectie.
[i]Special events[/i] Eens in de zoveel tijd houdt de host club zogenaamde 'special events', zoals hosting in thema (middeleeuwen). Eens per maand zal er tevens een toneelstuk worden opgevoerd door de volledige of een deel van de hostclub; dit gaat van serieuze stukken tot komische skits en is elke maand anders, tickets kunnen terzijnertijd gekocht worden bij de host Hero. Zo nu en dan worden er ook uitstapjes gemaakt waarbij de volledige host club 'verplaatst' wordt naar een andere locatie (het strand, picknickvelden etc.). Houd er hierbij wel rekening mee dat mogelijkerwijs niet alle dranken en etenswaren geserveerd kunnen worden.
[i]N.B.1: Bij eventuele ongelukken, niet gevreesd! Een aantal van onze hosts zijn geoefend in mond op mond beademing en ook kleine wonden zijn geen probleem! N.B.2: Rolstoel gangers of prinsen en prinsessen die slecht ter been zijn, zijn natuurlijk ook van harte welkom bij ons! N.B.3: Aangezien niet iedere host, prinses of prins tegen de haren kan van je geliefde huisdier, vragen we jullie vriendelijk deze thuis te laten. Met uitzondering van blindegeleide honden.[/i]
[b]Openingstijden[/b] De vroege openingstijden zijn tussen 10:00-12:00 en in de pauzes. De late openingstijden zijn vanaf 16:00-21:00.
[i]N.B.1: Soms kan het voorkomen dat de host club onverwachts gesloten is i.v.m. onverwachte schoolactiviteiten. Wij vragen hiervoor onze prinsessen en prinsen hun begrip! N.B.2: Niet iedere host heeft hetzelfde rooster waardoor het kan voorkomen dat een bepaalde host niet aanwezig is gedurende de openingstijden Ook hiervoor vragen we jullie oneindige geduld. Voor de schoolroosters kun je terecht bij de betreffende host zelf. Houd wel in gedachten dat deze niet verplicht is deze te geven.[/i]
[b]Contact[/b] Tel: +0031-4523784 Fax: +0032-4523781 Voor algemene informatie en vragen stuur een bericht naar [url=]Ludwig Will Kresnik[/url]. Voor vragen betreft financieën stuur een bericht naar [url=]Leroy 'Hero' Jenkins[/url]. Voor vragen of ideeën betreft marketing van de host club stuur je een bericht naar [url=]Dave Cameron[/url]. <br><br><hr><center><font style="font-size: 8px;"><b></b>; | <b>notes</b>; <3 </font></center></div></div><div style="width: 390px; text-align: right; font-family: calibri; font-size: 9px;">[url=]♥[/url]!</div></center>
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann ma mei 25, 2015 6:13 am
♥ Please make sure your finances are in check before entering the host club or talk to Host Hero about the possibilities. ♥ Please share the fun and love with other princesses and princes, meaning that there will be times when you'll have to 'share' a host with other princesses as there are only 7 of us and too many lovelies of you! (♥ω♥ ) ~♪ ♥ Please don't take any pictures or record videos of the hosts without asking them. If you want to have a picture taken or buy a signed one, please talk to host Hero about the possibilities! (*^3^)/~♡ ♥ Please be nice to the other princesses/princes and treat them with the same respect that you'd want your host to treat you! (^▽^)/\(^▽^) ♥ Please let your host take care of everything, from the moment you walk in until the moment you decide to walk out! (✿◠‿◠)
Do's and don'ts ♥ Enjoy the company of your host! ♥ Talk/laugh/hug (with) your host. ♥ Ask permission to touch your host. ♥ Play games with your host! ♥ Ask your host all sorts of questions! ♥ Buy drinks/sweets or 'buy' host specialities. ♥ Come back a second, third or fourth time! ♥ Bring your host (edible) gifts! ♥ Pay for your host's services~
✖ Stalk your host when they're off work. ✖ Cling to your host/'glomp' them without warning. ✖ Touch them in an unappropriate way. ✖ Break the furniture (especially the porcelain vases/cups and plates)(All 'accidents' will be charged on your account) ✖ Ask for your host's phone number. ✖ Bother other princesses or princes, we're all equally lovely in our own way! ✖ Forget to pay~
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann ma mei 25, 2015 6:23 am
Pricelist RHHC Host Groepsafspraak - €5,- Host Privé afspraak - €10,- Voor een half uur Willekeurige host - free Host reserveren - €2,- extra Dansen / zingen / koken etc. (met host naar keuze) (let op de host skill) - €15,- Foto met host naar keuze - €8,- Host als date naar gala/ball - €20,- Candlelight Lunch / Dinner (met host naar keuze) - €15,- Fieldtrip (met host naar keuze) - €20,- Rent hostclub for a party - €20,- per host Ticketprijs maandelijks toneelstuk - €5,-
Merchandise Knuffelbeer met initialen van het host club lid - €15,- Sleutelhanger met foto van host naar keuze - €8,- Een persoonlijk handgeschreven brief van host naar keuze aan jou - €10,- Groeps fotoboek met foto's van alle hosts - €10,- Fotoboek van host naar keuze - €10,- Set: Alle fotoboeken + groepsboek - €60,- Ingelijste foto met de host naar keuze - €15,- Shirt met initialen van host naar keuze er op - €15,- Zilveren ketting met hanger met initialen van host naar keuze - €15-20,- Afhankelijk van de hanger
Mp3 van covers of zelfbedachte liedjes die de hosts zelf hebben ingezongen - €1,50,- p/s Aanbieding: Vijf songs voor €5,00,- Opname van host naar keuze. bijv. Stemopname met woorden naar keuze, Liedje opname Prijs op aanvraag.
I'm yours - Jason Mraz| gecoverd door Ludwig Will Kresnik
Korting na vijf bezoeken aan dezelfde host – 10% Early bird korting (hangt er vanaf of het een middag/avond club is~) – 5% N.B.1: Indien je een feest wil houden op de locatie van de hostclub zelf moet dit in overleg gebeuren i.v.m. planning. N.B.2: Bij reservering van hosts of overigen graag ruim van te voren melden via mail, telefoon of mondeling.
Cold foods Dango - €1,50,- Sortement aan koekjes 10st - €2,50,- Stuk aardbeien kwarktaart - €2,00,- Donut - €1,50,- Smaak naar keuze: free,- Muffin - €1,50,- Stuk appeltaart - €2,00,- Plak cake - €1,00,- Sundae - €1,50,- (alleen in de zomer) Stuk meloen - €1,50,- (alleen in de zomer) Melon pan - €2,00,- Slagroom - €0,20,- extra bij het betreffende gerecht.
Hot foods Croque monsieur - €2,00,- Soep van de dag - €1,50,- Noodles - €1,50,- Smaak naar keuze: free,- Borrelgarnituur 15st- €3,00,- Borrelgarnituur 30st -€5,00,-
N.B.1: Dranken en Etenswaren die wij normaliter niet bedienen, kunnen op aanvraag en tegen meerprijs eventueel toch geregeld worden. N.B.2: Graag eventuele allergieën melden. N.B.3: Tijdens een van de host club zijn uitstapjes kan het mogelijkerwijs zo zijn dat niet al het eten en drinken geserveerd kan worden, we vragen hiervoor onze prinsessen en prinsen hun begrip!
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann di mei 26, 2015 9:32 am
tags / words /notes
"Please go and bother somebody else." - Silas O'connor
General Characteristics
Name: Silas O'Connor Pronunciation: 'sigh-liss' Name Origin: Latin Name Meaning: Wood Other Names: Sil, Silly, Lassy, Pinky, Pinkemen, flower-boy Titles: Mister (Mr.) Social Security Number: 441-76-3278 Theme Song: You who came from the stars instrumental OST - Dream scenery I Zodiac: Aquarius
Personal Characteristics
Birth Date: 31 January Age: 17 years old Birth Name: Silvanus O'Connor Birth Place: Iriolis Birth Weight: 3435 gram Birth Length: 50cm Manner of Birth: Natural birth; he was kind of an accident but they were happy with him anyway. First Word(s): Dah (dad), nijn(konijn)
Death Date: 22 April Age at Death: 69 years old Death Place: At the playground while watching his grand-children play. Resting Place: Cremation, ashes were scattered on the hills of Iriolis. Manner of Death: Cardiac Arrest Last Words: //
Primary Objective: To have a meaningful schoollife with lot's of precious memories. Secondary Objectives: Finish school and travel the world, find love, have children later on in his life, live a meaningful but fun life. Priorities: Chewing-gum, milk, family, school, being himself Motivation: the feeling of utter satisfaction and no worries. Accomplishments: surviving pre-school, surviving elementary school, middle school and most of high school, surviving most of puberty, surviving first love, surviving a broken heart, survived a death metal concert, got first place in a spelling bee, pretty much always stayed himself, survived boredom;multiple times!, survived a day without chewing-gum, survived half a day without milk, got second in a dancing competition, didn't curse for a full day! Greatest Achievement: Surviving life up until now. Failures: Got a B- that one math test back in middle school, Failed to make a lot of friends, failed to convince his parents to buy a pet, tripped down the stairs and broke his nose, dressed up as a good looking realistic girl, wore make-up back in middle school, drinking anything besides milk, almost hit his dad, ran away from home. Biggest Failure: Getting a B- that one ridiculous math test in middle school. Self-Confidence: He has a lot of confidence in himself and is in general a strong person. I can't say his confidence is through the roof because there are, ofcourse, things that can hurt him. But in general he's not easily shaken because of things others say to him. Traumas: Breaking his nose; especially the actual sound of the bone snapping, his dad pushing him to be the best at everything, his mom leaving him and his dad near his ninth birthday (she died). Afflictions: Failing at something (especially school-related things), his dad being dissapointed in him. Embarrassments: He's ashamed for his feminine or flower-boyish look, when guys look at him in a weird way, ashamed for the lack of good friends, for his own attitude every now and then, for his fake 'friends'' behaviour every now and then. Worries: Flunking courses, dissapointing his father, dissapointing himself, not being himself, being hated by the masses, dying at an early age, not making precious memories, not finding love, falling in love and getting his heart broken. Soothers: Milk, chewing-gum and someone who doesn't probe and is comfortable to be around. Petting rabbits or other fluffy animals/humans. Instigators: Someone who is as domineering as his father or a friendly personality like his mom may remind him of his kind of sad past.
Earliest Memory: His mom kissing him to sleep when he was about 4 years old. Fondest Memory: His mom kissing him to sleep when he was about 4 years old. He's most fond of this memory, because of the connection he had with his mom. Worst Memory: His mom dying from chronic disease. Favorite Dream: The dream were he can transform into an animal and run along all day and night without ever having to worry about anything. He usually transforms into a small rabbitlike animals but with wings! Worst Nightmare: It's more like the memory of his mother dying over and over, the only difference being that he's watching it through some kind of glass, not being able to reach her.
Desires: to fall in love, to make new friends, to have good grades, to survive school and the rest of his life, to have a decent job, to own a pet, to see the world, to be wise. Wishes: A life? To be an animal (preferably the same animal as in his dreams), to live forever, to be happy, to stay young forever. Regrets: Hitting his father once, and he still thinks that he could've done more for his mother while she was still alive. Like doing the dishes, helping her clean and stuff. He also regrets that he din't make more friends when he was little, and that he has practically conditioned himself to be alone. Secrets: He often sings in the shower (he isn't very good), has a strange addiction to milk and chewing-gum, changed his name from Silvanus to Silas, sometimes writes poetry and stuffs it in his uppermost drawer, hates his father because he's a controlling pusher but no one else has seemed to nice, He has never kissed for real but lies about it, he has never been in love, he doesn't have any friends, his father want him to have an arranged marriage to a girl he doesn't even like, he keeps a diary, he doesn't want to get married, he is afraid of big masses of water, he can't stand new technologies, he'd rather write traditional letters and meet people face to face and stuff, he is allergic to soap, Confidantes: He shares some stuff with his diary, but mostly keeps the important stuff to himself. Soft Spots: Little animals, fluffy animals, females in distress, milk and chewing-gum, people who study a lot but fail eitherway Cruel Streaks: People who hate milk, people who have something to say about him, his father
Musical Instrument: Can play the violin, though not incredibly well but not particularly bad either. He doesn't like it though since his father pushed him into doing it. Quirks: He's addicted to milk and only drinks milk, or fruitflavored milk in general, he's always chewing a certain pink gum and often blows bubbles, regularly looks up to the sky and comments on it, has a weakness for small helpless fluffy animals (rabbits and the like), slightly drags his feet sometimes, doesn't eat green things, is more often late than early, he doesn't drink with other people, one piece of gum is never enough, he hates being talked to for the first hour after waking up, same goes for when het get's out of school, dislikes being touched lightly because it's like something is crawling up and down his skin, he believes in an afterlife, owns an outrageous amount of shoes, sometimes counts ceiling tiles, counts stars sometimes, used to dance competitively, enjoys jigsaw puzzles, used to practice calligraphy, he wears contacts, bites lip sometimes, cracks neck/back, is easily sunburnt, has pretty girly handwriting, sleeps very deeply, can identify most plants, can solve Rubiks cube in a couple of minutes, Dominant Hand: he is ambidextrous but tends to use his left hand more than his right while writing/drawing etc. Catchphrase: at the ending of sentences he sometimes adds: '- Ryui~' for unknown reasons. It just became a habit somehow. Autograph: It's his name 'Silas' in big curly letters, with the last S ending in a curly sensation.
Mental Characteristics
IQ: 138 Lures: Milk, warm sunny places, fluffy animals, quiet places, beautiful scenery, kitchens, flowers Manias: Milk and chewing-gum. Memory: His memory is quite good, although he doesn't remember a lot of details, the general red line is often quite clear. Phobias: Fears large bodies of water because he can't swim well. Afraid of dying. Savvies: Blowing bubbles with chewing-gum, dancing. Ineptities: How people can believe in a deity, people who dislike chewing-gum or milk. Temperament: Melancholic/Choleric somewhere in between. Hobbies: Dancing, chewing-gum, drawing, playing the violin, calligraphy and taking walks. Pet Peeves: People who chew on nails, lips or other bodyparts, and people who dislike gum or milk.
Logical-Mathematical: This is probably one of his fortes. He's great with numbers and thinking logically or looking at something critically. Spatial: His spatial intel is ok, he can pretty much visualise almost anything. But there are some things he can't put in to words and thus not visualise. It's kind of constrained by his lack of extensive imagination. Linguistic: He's great with words in all languages. He often gets into verbal fights and is very... profound in his choice of words. Bodily-Kinesthetic: Not his greatest forte, but not really bad at the same time. He's good at dancing so that's something, other sports... don't ask. Musical: He can play the violin but isn't exactly a genius at it. His singing is awfull, indicating that he clearly doesn't have a absolute pitch at all. It's just so-so, something he learns from books but nothing innate. Interpersonal: This is where the trouble starts. He often doesn't know what others are thinking and solves this with thinking that they are probably thinking stupid or bad things. He's not good at interacting with other people at all. If there is something lacking, it's in this division. Intrapersonal: He's quite good at expressing his own emotions, and knows his own strengths and yes... his weaknesses too. Naturalistic: He can name almost any plant, but besides that he's not very gifted at things that have to do with nature or arts.
Philosophical Characteristics
Morality: His morals are all over the place, they aren't particularly right but not particularly bad either. He tends to be right a lot and doesn't care if it hurts other people. He's the jerk who's right, the deuteragonist who is a rebel. In short Silas is all over the place with morals undefined. Attitude: He is a little bit arrogant and a rebel sort of person. He gives off a 'don't bother me' vibe. Or 'I'm bored/I'm sleepy/I'm irritated' vibe. Outlook on Life: As something that is worth living, if you do it right that is. Life can be many things, it's what you do with it that decides the outcome. Perception: He generally sees life realistically, the way it is. But sometimes a little pessimism or sadasism comes lurking around the cornor. It just happens some days. Standpoint: He sees his life as if he were a common, poor student and acts accordingly. There are times when he sees life as if he were a philospher though, taking it very seriously. But normally, he's just the bored, lazy, intelligent student. Taboos: Drink juices. Kill someone. Intentionally hurt someone in a way that's lifethreatening. Rape someone.
Spiritual Characteristics
Animal: A sheep in wolf's clothing? Religion: Is currently more of an Atheist. Does believe in some sort of afterlife/reincarnation tho! Devotion: He doesn't. He's not interested in religious matters at all. Superstitions: None in particular. Perhaps friday the 13th... a little. Virtues: He's dilligent, he's kind in his own way, he's patient, and temperance is something he can be described as as well. And last but not least, he's just. Or he tries to be. Vices: Lust, Sloth, a little bit of wrath/anger and greed.
Supernatural Characteristics
Energy: Negatief Element: Lucht
Highs and Lows
Likes: Nature, dancing, chewing-gum, milk, pork, his own pink hair, animals (especially the fluffy little ones), clouds and stars, hiking, school and learning, good grades, warm cozy places, comfortable laid back humans, unpopular people, books, his diseased mom, green pastures, painting or drawing, Dislikes: Playing the violin, his father, his grades, death, the small scar on his nosebridge, getting shitty grades, flunking, popular people, people who dislike either milk or chewing-gum, people who are very devoted to their religion, vegetables, people who judge others, stupid people, chronic diseases, most of his past, his lack of friends, huge bodies of waters, swimming, beach.
Favorite Animal: His own imaginary animal in his dreams. A small catlike/rabbitlike fluffy thing with wings. Favorite Arts: Theatre, painting and sketching, abstract, modern dancing Favorite Book: 'How to make friends for noobs' Just kididng. Favorite Color: Pink Favorite Country: Iriolis Favorite Drink: Milk Favorite Excuse: ''Huh? I wasn't paying attention...'' Favorite Food: Chewing-gum, or noodles with pork. Favorite Flavor: Pink Chewing-gum flavour, or meat flavour, sweet is okay too. Just no sour. Favorite Musical Genre:BL Classical Favorite Mythical Creature: Griffioen Favorite Number: 4 Favorite Place: The hills of Iriolis near his hometown, overlooking the river. Favorite Season: Autumn Favorite Store: Ice-cream store or supermarket Favorite Story Genre: Horror/adventure Favorite Words: Ryui? Gum, Milk
Least Favorite Animal: Dolphin Least Favorite Arts: Opera Least Favorite Book: The one I'm writing right now Least Favorite Color: Green Least Favorite Country: Elion Least Favorite Drink: Anything besides milk Least Favorite Excuse: ''My cat ate it.'' Least Favorite Food: Sour things Least Favorite Flavor: Sour Least Favorite Musical Genre: Drama Least Favorite Mythical Creature: Unicorn Least Favorite Number: 8 Least Favorite Place: Somewhere cold or crowded Least Favorite Season: Winter Least Favorite Store: Clothing store Least Favorite Story Genre: Romcom Least Favorite Words: Umm, Duh!
Accessories: Watches, hairbands, his hairband thingie Dress Style/Wardrobe: He dresses in a practical way, not paying a lot of attention to colours or styles. He usually get's away with it though! Equipment: Chewing-gum and a carton of milk. Most Prized Possession: Pink flavoured chewing-gum. Most Valuable Possession: his appartment in Iriolis.
Social Characteristics
Communication: He's not very good at communicating with others. He is often too blunt or direct. His sometimes arrogant or lazyass-looking demeanor can get in the way of his social skills. He is in fact a nice guy though, even though he ignores a lot of people and doesn't pay attention to what they are saying, he actually does care about some of them. Criminal Record: He stole gum when he was younger, does that count? Dominance: He stands his ground against people who try to get him down, be it with fists or words. Ego: He thinks he's something allright; especially smarter or more cunning than everybody else. Emotional Stability: He's emotionally stable. Most words or inflictions glide by him like the wind. He doesn't particularly care as long as he's happy with whom he is. Expression: He usually expresses himself in words, art, dance or sketches. He is least good with the words and best at expressing himself with dancing. Humor: He himself isn't all that humurous and doesn't think of other people's jokes to be funny as well. His humor is a strange kind, mostly seen in relation to sadism. Liveliness: He isn't all that lively. He lazes off quite a bit. Still when something cathes his attention, he can be very attentive and energetic. Mannerisms: He's a bit rude, especially with his words. So don't expect fancy gentleman like mannerism coming from him. He's smart and charming but not very well-mannered, no. Patience: He can endure waiting for something or someone for quite a bit. Everything has boundaries though. An hour is max without complaining or cursing a lot. two hours means walking away. Reputation: People don't think much of him up until now. They don't deem him as being a nice sort of person although his mysterious vibe does atract them. And once they've noticed that he is in fact a sheep and not a wolf they tend to swarm over him. Sociability: He doens't like to interact with others much, but if it's neccesary he doesn't mind. In school it's ok. While drinking, he prefers to do so alone. Status: Lazy Rebel a.k.a not really popular Style: Fashionably but a little alternative at the same time, certainly not completely normal but nice at the same time.
Compliments: He'll say that he likes your clothing or look in general. He will give compliments about achievements or well written essays and stuff. He may say he likes your name, eyes or pet as well. Insults: He might say that a certain piece of clothing doesn't suit you or is downright ugly, he might say that your personality is messed up or that you don't know shit. He might say that you shouldn't have been born. It totally depends on the situation to be honest. Reminder; he ís a nice guy. So these are mostly not intended as insultery. Emotional Status: He's most likely to be found in a lazy, silent or irritated mood. Expletives: He curses badly. Words: Ryui~, shit, Farewells: See ya. Greetings: Hey, hi. He's usually not the one to start a conversation at all.
School and Work
Average Grade: A Extracurricular: None as of yet. Graduating Year: Not yet graduated. School: Rikka High Study Habits: He almost doesn't study at all. He pays good attention in class and sometimes writes summaries but that's pretty much it. And it works, somehow.
Class: Upper class Debt: 0 Dependents: None, he totally depends on his father for his money. Funds: He's rich and all, but doesn't flaunt it. He's not all that spoilt either. He hates it to be dependent on his father for money after all but doesn't consider taking a job at the same time.
Intrapersonal Connections
Immediate Family: His father and diseased mother. Close Relatives: His grandparents died and he doesn't have good or contract at all with his uncles.
Acquaintances: TBA Allegiance: TBA Allies: TBA Enemies: TBA Followers: TBA Friends: TBA Heroes: TBA Inspirations: Rikka Pets: None, but he desperately wants one. Rivals: TBA Role Models: TBA
Signature Move: Amplifying gravity around the target. This way the target can't get up and he has a chance of striking them, wearing them down. The fight against gravity is sometimes fight enough though. Specialty: Gravity Strengths: Long distance combat Weaknesses: Very close distance combat
Physical Characteristics
Species: Astral Nationality: Iriolian Skin Color: Milky white Height: 186cm Weight: 67kg Scars: On the bridge of his nose, and other minor scars across his body. Piercings: Pierced his ears, but almost never wear something in them. Tattoos: None.
Hat Size: M Shirt Size: S/M Waist Size: S Shoe Size: 42 Face Shape: Not really like an apple, more defined. Hair Color: A light shade of pink, near white. Hair Length: Just over his ears, halfway his neck. Hair Type: His hair is pretty straight but messy at the same time. Hair Style: Messy, out of bed. Usually has some sort of sporty band or band in his hair to keep his vision void of hair. Eyebrows: Narrow, pink, beautiful? Facial Hair: He shaves everything, he doesn't think it suits him just yet. There will be time for a beard when he get's older. Ear Shape: Normal sized ears, normally shaped as well. Eye Type: Relatively big. Eye Color: Light blue Nose Shape: Sharp nose with sharp lines but nicely rounded off. Teeth: White, and as he used to have braces they are all nicely aligned in a tight row as well. Chin Shape: Sharp, but not too sharp, it's not apple round but more defined. (sharp jawline) Makeup: Doesn't use make-up. Only once and he still has regrets about that one moment.
Health and Fitness
Abnormalities: No defects or deformities. Addictions: Milk, Chewing-gum Aids: He has glasses but uses contacts most of the time. Allergies: He's allergic to soap and certain brands of detergent. He's also allergic to certain sorts of plants/flowers. Augmentations: Broken Bones: He broke his nose after tripping and falling down the stairs. He got plastic surgery for it to get it fixed, even though he didn't want to. Diseases: He's pretty healthy, although he's pretty vulnerable for headache's, fevers etc. Medication: He sometimes takes some meds but they're just normal painkillers, nothing special. Vulnerabilities: Because of his white-ass skin he's vulnerable to the sun and fevers, headache's and such.
Birthmarks: Nothing special apart from his glowing white skin and practically pink hair. Blood Type: O Diet: He eats a lot of meat, not so much greens and a lot of chewing gum and milk. Exercise: He dances a lot, which is the reason why he's pretty fit. Figure: Slimm, he's not all that muscley either. Fitness: He's pretty fit, even though he's lazy as fuck. He sometimes works out on the track and stuff aside from him dancing. Hygiene: He tries to be as clean and hygenic as possible. Martial Arts: He knows some basic moves, but certainly isn't a black belt. Maximum Load: 45 kg? That's max max. Posture: Upright, not particularly haughty but it's right on the boundary of being just that. Scent: Floral
Sexual Characteristics
Gender: Male Orientation: Hetero but he's not quite sure. He may be Bi-sexual or just a-romantic. He will find out soon hopefully >3 Fetishes: Lips, skin and legs fetish. Turnons: Pretty, cute, glowing skin, long hair, curls or straight, someone who's positive in life, someone with pretty legs and inviting lips. Turn-offs: Someone who's filthy, has a nasty personality, a girl who looks like a boy or the other way around, a smoker, a druggie, a gangbanger
Sex Life: None existent. Virginity: Still intact. First Love: A petit girl with flowing golden hair and general cute look. He was really heartbroken after she turned him down. Love Interests: None atm Marital Status: His father wants an arranged marriage to promote his own company and for the sake of his company's growth. Significant Other: None yet.
Vocal Characteristics
Accent/Dialect: Clear pronunciation and normal Iriolian. Laughter: Cute, mostly in chuckles and low in general. Pitch: relatively low, but boyish at the same time. Not velvety or extremly hushed... Range: OK range. The lows are ok, but his highs not so much. Volume: Not too loud but certainly not too soft either.
First Impressions: A lazy dude who has nothing better to do in life as study and live his life in an easy way. Comes off as a bit rude and acts like a rebel.
Strangers' Impressions: Pretty human with cute pink hair, looks a bit mysterious and keeps to himself mostly.
Friends' Impressions: If you know him long enough you'll notice that he actually cares about you and that his tough act is just a facade. He's a nice fun guy to be with, even though he has some weird quirks.
Family's Impressions: Father: He's not doing all he can to be the best he can be. He should study more!
Self Impression: I'm ok as long as I'm exactly who I wanna be, which is... me.
Authority's Impressions: The kid doesn't get in trouble a lot, and if he does it's over trivial things. He looks like a good kid even though he sometimes can come off as rude or ill-mannered in general.
Lover's Impression: Caring and sweet, always there when you need him and someone you can really rely upon. Besides, he's a great kisser. He's smart, funny and good looking and suprisingly assertive with things. He's always carefull and gentle though so it's allright. He's the best even though sometimes I can't seem to reach him. As if he's busy with thoughts or something.
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann ma jul 27, 2015 11:17 pm
notes y'all
STARTING PARAGRAPH SENTENCE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea elit timeam ea. Mazim consetetur ius ei. Dico ornatus maiorum no sit, duo exerci prompta cu. Id quod inimicus evertitur usu. His lucilius consectetuer eu, ad eum option dolores.
In vis elit numquam luptatum, nibh errem suavitate te sea, at vel vitae percipitur. Laudem quidam interesset ut cum, has dicam diceret eu. Eum falli tempor vituperatoribus in, alienum rationibus id vim. Mea purto commodo urbanitas no.
Mel ad sumo nullam, ad cum exerci ponderum. An per utamur vivendum. Mea ut erat falli, cu tibique maiestatis cotidieque his. Est sumo stet expetendis ne, pri id singulis sensibus, et homero admodum mei. Ea ius ridens epicuri tincidunt. Esse mundi sensibus vel ei, quot dicit habemus mei id, sit voluptua efficiantur at.
Cu melius aliquando eum, ornatus delectus consetetur est id. In commodo deseruisse dissentias vim. Usu ei malis oratio conceptam, usu stet ignota ne. Duo ad inani eleifend, per ex diam novum voluptaria. Id etiam munere eos, sea et delicata gubergren.
Tollit lucilius no his, cibo accusata vituperata eum id. Periculis scribentur no pri, pro te noster aeterno, id eos duis pericula iudicabit. Eirmod impedit sit ex, has autem adipisci suavitate ex. Ex his natum vivendo constituam, ad nobis conclusionemque sea, mel prima electram comprehensam cu. Nec assum epicurei senserit ea, his ex posse falli molestie.
STARTING PARAGRAPH SENTENCE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea elit timeam ea. Mazim consetetur ius ei. Dico ornatus maiorum no sit, duo exerci prompta cu. Id quod inimicus evertitur usu. His lucilius consectetuer eu, ad eum option dolores.
In vis elit numquam luptatum, nibh errem suavitate te sea, at vel vitae percipitur. Laudem quidam interesset ut cum, has dicam diceret eu. Eum falli tempor vituperatoribus in, alienum rationibus id vim. Mea purto commodo urbanitas no.
Mel ad sumo nullam, ad cum exerci ponderum. An per utamur vivendum. Mea ut erat falli, cu tibique maiestatis cotidieque his. Est sumo stet expetendis ne, pri id singulis sensibus, et homero admodum mei. Ea ius ridens epicuri tincidunt. Esse mundi sensibus vel ei, quot dicit habemus mei id, sit voluptua efficiantur at.
Cu melius aliquando eum, ornatus delectus consetetur est id. In commodo deseruisse dissentias vim. Usu ei malis oratio conceptam, usu stet ignota ne. Duo ad inani eleifend, per ex diam novum voluptaria. Id etiam munere eos, sea et delicata gubergren.
Tollit lucilius no his, cibo accusata vituperata eum id. Periculis scribentur no pri, pro te noster aeterno, id eos duis pericula iudicabit. Eirmod impedit sit ex, has autem adipisci suavitate ex. Ex his natum vivendo constituam, ad nobis conclusionemque sea, mel prima electram comprehensam cu. Nec assum epicurei senserit ea, his ex posse falli molestie.
Aantal berichten : 111 Punten : 1 Leeftijd : 32 Woonplaats : The Shire
Character Naam: Yuji Sakurai Leeftijd: 18 jaar Aandoening: Dissociative Identity Disorder
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann zo sep 13, 2015 12:54 pm
I D E N T I T Y Full name Bun’ichi First name Bun’ichi Surname He does not have a surname. Nickname(s) Bunbun, Bun-chan Age 15 jaar Gender Male D.O.B. 29 November P.O.B. Puffoon Bloodtype AB + Sexual Orientation Omnisexual
D E S C R I P T I O N Height 155 cm Weight 45 kg Build Slim in all perspectives. Practically no fat on his bones. Has long and nimble fingers. Haircolour Gray Hairstyle Long, thin and mostly straight hair that reaches past his hips. Usually tied up in knot and loop, like so. Will sometimes braid it, especially at night or when practical, like so. On occasion he may wear it in two ponytails, like so. Eyecolour Red Piercings/Tattoos None Scars None Style He usually dresses in traditional wear, which mainly has to do with his upbringing. He sometimes wears simpler and more practical clothing, though these could still be considered traditional. He always wears big rings around his right ankle and oftentimes around his left wrist. Other His milky white skin knows no imperfections.
I N D I V I D U A L I T Y Character traits
+ Hardworking Teddy is very hardworking when it comes to anything. He puts his back into things and won’t back down when from a challenge. He is not a quitter and will put in his all to be the best he can be. + Friendly Teddy is always friendly to every- and anyone, even when they are not nice to him. A smile usually adorns his face and he believes everyone has something good in them. + Determined Teddy will always go the bitter end and further to reach his goals. He always pushes himself on and won’t just quit because something doesn’t go the way he wants it to. This strong will also causes Teddy to be quite stubborn most of the time. He strongly believes that there is a way out of the maze and is determined to get out one day.
- Mischievous Teddy is by no means a bully and would never do anything harmful to those who are younger or weaker than he is. He enjoys torturing his superiors or those stronger than him, though, by pushing and stretching their boundaries and rules as far as he can. - Stubborn When Teddy has an opinion about something, it may be hard to change this. However, he will listen to what you have to say and take this in consideration. - Restless For Teddy it’s very hard to sit still long periods of time, which will often result in tapping feet, shaking legs or fiddling. Hobbies - Likes . Dislikes - Fears -
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann di sep 22, 2015 4:17 am
notes y'all
STARTING PARAGRAPH SENTENCE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea elit timeam ea. Mazim consetetur ius ei. Dico ornatus maiorum no sit, duo exerci prompta cu. Id quod inimicus evertitur usu. His lucilius consectetuer eu, ad eum option dolores.
In vis elit numquam luptatum, nibh errem suavitate te sea, at vel vitae percipitur. Laudem quidam interesset ut cum, has dicam diceret eu. Eum falli tempor vituperatoribus in, alienum rationibus id vim. Mea purto commodo urbanitas no.
Mel ad sumo nullam, ad cum exerci ponderum. An per utamur vivendum. Mea ut erat falli, cu tibique maiestatis cotidieque his. Est sumo stet expetendis ne, pri id singulis sensibus, et homero admodum mei. Ea ius ridens epicuri tincidunt. Esse mundi sensibus vel ei, quot dicit habemus mei id, sit voluptua efficiantur at.
Cu melius aliquando eum, ornatus delectus consetetur est id. In commodo deseruisse dissentias vim. Usu ei malis oratio conceptam, usu stet ignota ne. Duo ad inani eleifend, per ex diam novum voluptaria. Id etiam munere eos, sea et delicata gubergren.
Tollit lucilius no his, cibo accusata vituperata eum id. Periculis scribentur no pri, pro te noster aeterno, id eos duis pericula iudicabit. Eirmod impedit sit ex, has autem adipisci suavitate ex. Ex his natum vivendo constituam, ad nobis conclusionemque sea, mel prima electram comprehensam cu. Nec assum epicurei senserit ea, his ex posse falli molestie.
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Gift pour Ryann zo sep 27, 2015 1:03 am
L Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui.
Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia.
Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc nonummy metus. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Cras id dui. Aenean ut eros et nisl sagittis vestibulum. Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Sed lectus. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Phasellus nec sem in justo pellentesque facilisis. Etiam imperdiet imperdiet orci. Nunc nec neque. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi.
Curabitur ligula sapien, tincidunt non, euismod vitae, posuere imperdiet, leo. Maecenas malesuada. Praesent congue erat at massa. Sed cursus turpis vitae tortor. Donec posuere vulputate arcu. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue, elit erat euismod orci, ac placerat dolor lectus quis orci. Phasellus consectetuer vestibulum elit. Aenean tellus metus, bibendum sed, posuere ac, mattis non, nunc. Vestibulum fringilla pede sit amet augue. In turpis. Pellentesque posuere. Praesent turpis.
Aenean posuere, tortor sed cursus feugiat, nunc augue blandit nunc, eu sollicitudin urna dolor sagittis lacus. Donec elit libero, sodales nec, volutpat a, suscipit non, turpis. Nullam sagittis. Suspendisse pulvinar, augue ac venenatis condimentum, sem libero volutpat nibh, nec pellentesque velit pede quis nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce id purus. Ut varius tincidunt libero. Phasellus dolor. Maecenas vestibulum mollis diam. Pellentesque ut neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo. In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Proin sapien ipsum, porta a, auctor quis, euismod ut, mi. Aenean viverra rhoncus pede. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut non enim eleifend felis pretium feugiat. Vivamus quis mi. Phasellus a est. Phasellus magna.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur at lacus ac velit ornare lobortis. Curabitur a felis in nunc fringilla tristique. Morbi mattis ullamcorper velit. Phasellus gravida semper nisi. Nullam vel sem. Pellentesque libero tortor, tincidunt et, tincidunt eget, semper nec, quam. Sed hendrerit. Morbi ac felis. Nunc egestas, augue at pellentesque laoreet, felis eros vehicula leo, at malesuada velit leo quis pede. Donec interdum, metus et hendrerit aliquet, dolor diam sagittis ligula, eget egestas libero turpis vel mi. Nunc nulla. Fusce risus nisl, viverra et, tempor et, pretium in, sapien. Donec venenatis vulputate lorem.
Morbi nec metus. Phasellus blandit leo ut odio. Maecenas ullamcorper, dui et placerat feugiat, eros pede varius nisi, condimentum viverra felis nunc et lorem. Sed magna purus, fermentum eu, tincidunt eu, varius ut, felis. In auctor lobortis lacus. Quisque libero metus, condimentum nec, tempor a, commodo mollis, magna. Vestibulum ullamcorper mauris at ligula. Fusce fermentum. Nullam cursus lacinia erat. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh.
Fusce convallis metus id felis luctus adipiscing. Pellentesque egestas, neque sit amet convallis pulvinar, justo nulla eleifend augue, ac auctor orci leo non est. Quisque id mi. Ut tincidunt tincidunt erat. Etiam feugiat lorem non metus. Vestibulum dapibus nunc ac augue. Curabitur vestibulum aliquam leo. Praesent egestas neque eu enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce a quam. Etiam ut purus mattis mauris sodales aliquam. Curabitur nisi. Quisque malesuada placerat nisl. Nam ipsum risus, rutrum vitae, vestibulum eu, molestie vel, lacus.