Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Maar eens een nieuw topic . do okt 17, 2013 11:28 am
[table align="center" width="459" height="570" background=""][tr][td]<div style="width:395px;height:254px;overflow:scroll;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;margin-bottom:280px;margin-left:30px;padding-right:4px;"'">[color=black] [font=Times][size=10][justify][center][i]No matter[/i] how many breaths that you take, you still can't [i]breathe..[/i] Crash, crash [i]burn[/i][/center] [/justify][/size] [/font] </div>[/color][/td][/tr][/table]
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Maar eens een nieuw topic . di nov 12, 2013 12:03 pm
Things you should probably know about me
Voornaam Garion Achternaam D'Avella Bijnaam Garry, weirdo Geslacht Mannelijk Leeftijd 18 Jaar Geboorteplaats Shadra Moedertaal Spaans Magie Duister en woud Klas Mnr. Savador Bijbaantje Schetst portretten en maakt karikaturen in Oak's field. Geaardheid Hetero, tenzij er nauwelijks verschil te zien is tussen het mannelijke en vrouwelijke geslacht. Familie Poledra (zusje), Silar (moeder) en Javelin (vader)
This is what I currently look like
Bouw Slank en slungelig, niet echt gespierd en heeft weinig vet op zijn lichaam. Hij heeft een licht getinte huidskleur in de zomer maar is in de winter spierwit. Garry's gezicht is zeer fijn en beschikt over goed proporties. Lengte 1.84m Gewicht 70 Kg Littekens/tattoo's Enkele kleine schrammetjes op armen en benen maar niets opmerkelijks. Haarkleur Lavendel met enkele natuurlijk donkere plukken bij zijn kruin. Haarstijl Een beetje een out of bed look, half lang haar en het krult lichtjes, dit word erger als het nat is geweest en nog vochtig is. Oogkleur Lavendel maar een iets hardere en diepere kleur als dat van zijn haren. Overig Hij heeft een specifieke kledingstijl. Alles wat los zit en 'niet af gemaakt' lijkt vind Garion geweldig.
Things you'll learn about me once we get to know eachother
Hobby's Schilderen, tekenen/schetsen, puzzels oplossen, koken, lezen (hoewel alleen liefdesromans, stripverhalen en manga's), het kijken van drama's.
Likes Dieren, anatomie, tuinen, bloemen, zappen (door programma's heen zappen en wanneer een stukje niet interessant is bij een film doorspoelen), Drama's, Manga's, fruit, snoepjes (met name zuurtjes), roken. DislikesHorror, 'enge' dingen, bovennatuurlijke verschijnselen, religie, de kerk, ziekenhuizen, naalden, Halloween, zijn eigen gevoeligheid voor enge dingen, de blauwe roos, het feit dat zijn leven afhangt van een bloem.
Goede eigenschappen Betrouwbaar, lief, snel bezorgd, zorgzaam, slim en scherp, collectief en rustig, word niet snel kwaad, jaloers of depressief. Slechte eigenschappen Hij rookt, naïef, pikt signalen vaak verkeerd of helemaal niet op, schrikt snel, is snel bang voor 'enge' dingen met betrekking tot geesten, spoken en bijgeloof, moeite met uiten van bepaalde gevoelens, soms té zwijgzaam of mysterieus.
Karakter algemeen Garion ofwel Garry zoals iedereen hem kent is op het eerste gezicht misschien een raar of afstandelijk persoon. Oke, op een tweede gezicht ook nog maar bij dat derde gezicht komt er verandering in. In werkelijkheid is hij namelijk een lief en zorgzaam persoon die op sommige momenten zelfs charmant kan overkomen. Hij heeft ook zijn mindere punten zoals dat hij een enorme angsthaas is voor alles wat een beetje spookachtig is. Hierdoor zet hij zichzelf vaak voor gek en heeft hij niet de beste reputatie op school. Gelukkig voor Garry hecht hij maar weinig waarde aan reputatie waardoor hij nog steeds als een spring in het veld zijn eigen ideeën uitvoert en zichzelf is. Mysterieus, een beetje exotisch maar boven alles een goed individu.
Things you need to know if you're fighting with or against me
Garion's magie is van nature duister en woud magie. Garion ontdekte als eerste zijn woudmagie, daarna pas zijn duistere magie. Toch heeft hij altijd meer talent gehad voor duistere magie. Misschien omdat hij op Shadra geboren is of misschien omdat hij in sommige opzichten meer op zijn moeder lijkt als dat Javelin zou willen.
Sinds zijn vader wist dat Garion's en ook Poledra's leven verbonden was met een roos, heeft hij ze bekend gemaakt met natuur en hoe je er voor moet zorgen. Vanuit die zorg is Garry zijn woud magie gaan combineren met zijn duistere magie. Vanuit dat is Garion's signature magie ontstaan. Namelijk het vechten met strengen (vines) waarmee hij mensen kan omwikkelen en daarbij het vechten met doorns aan die strengen vast. Het gaat overigens nog wel eens fout en ook is deze vechtstijl niet zonder risico's voor Garion. Dit is te verklaren door de vines met doorns. Deze vines komen namelijk uit zijn armen, en die omwikkelen vervolgens ook Garion's eigen armen wanneer ze om het lichaam van zijn vijand verstrengelen. Dit is een van de redenen waarom zijn vader deze manier van vechten haat. Omdat deze manier ook een beetje van Garion's leven wegneemt namelijk in de vorm van blaadjes van de blauwe roos diens blaadjes aan Garion's leven verbonden zijn. Momenteel is Garion bezig met het experimenteren van vergif bij de doorns hoewel hij eerst moet verzinnen hoe hij hier zelf dan niet door geraakt zou worden.
Without this I can't survive
Silar heeft er voor gezorgd dat Garion's leven verbonden is aan een roos, een blauwe in Garion's geval. De roos heeft ongeveer 10 blaadjes, die eigenlijk bijna staan voor 10 levels van pijn. Bij minimale schrammen vallen er hoogstens een of twee blaadjes. Maar hoe groter de pijn en de wonden hoe meer blaadjes er vallen en hoe zwakker Garion's magie word. Als er nog maar een blaadje aan de roos hangt kan Garion niet meer bewegen en is hij volledig afhankelijk van anderen. Als het laatste blaadje valt zal Garion's hart stoppen met kloppen. Ook het plukken van blaadjes zorgt voor een intense pijn in Garry's lichaam. Hoe meer blaadjes en hoe langzamer ze worden geplukt hoe pijnlijker. De roos is overigens heelbaar en zal in speciaal water weer opbloeien. Garion zal dan ook niet beter worden als de roos nog steeds in een slechte conditie is.
Things you probably don't care about
Familie + relaties Poledra Jonger halfzusje van Garion. Poledra is 13 jaar oud nu en is als uitzondering magie loos geboren. De relatie tussen broer en zus is altijd zeer goed geweest. Silar Moeder van Garion. Hij heeft haar overigens nooit echt gekend en bij de herinneringen die hij heeft kan hij alleen nog haar postuur herinneren maar haar gezicht niet. Javelin De vader van Garion en zijn zusje. Zijn vader is een goede man maar heeft een aantal exotische ideeën over het leven. Daardoor is de relatie tussen Javelin en Garion niet altijd even goed. Norain (Norry) Is de beste en vrijwel enige jeugdvriend(in) van Garry. Norain is een uitgesproken en vrije geest die Garry altijd bij de les heeft gehouden. De twee doen alsof ze elkaar niet mogen maar zijn eigenlijk beste maatjes. De twee gaan al een lange tijd terug en weten zo'n beetje alles van elkaar. Verder is Norain ook het dichtste bij het gevoel van liefde gekomen bij Garry. Norain is tevens diegene die Garry's bijnaam ingevoerd heeft.
The story you'll never learn
Garion is geboren op Shadra toen zijn vader Javelin en zijn moeder Silar nog gelukkig bij elkaar waren. Waar het mis gegaan is? Heel duidelijk. Javelin, Garion's vader die toen nog een stuk minder hippie was als nu, is vreemd gegaan met een andere vrouw terwijl Silar voor Garion thuis zorgde. Dit is door gegaan tot Garion een jaar of 4 was. Silar kwam er achter en sloeg voor goed de deur achter haar dicht. Vergeven en vergeten zat overigens niet bij de karaktertrekken van Silar inbegrepen, waardoor deze Shadraanse heks een vloek legde op de kinderen van Javelin. Die van nu en die nog zouden komen. De levens van de Javelin's kinderen zouden nu afhangen van een roos. Hoe meer blaadjes vallen hoe dichter bij de dood het kind is. Silar verliet Javelin en Garion en heeft haar gezicht daarna nooit meer laten zien. Javelin was ondanks dat hij het zelf schuld was hart gebroken en zorgde in die tijd maar half voor de opgroeiende Garion. Het was pas jaren en jaren later dat Javelin weer het van zichzelf toestond om van iemand te houden. Dit was pa ná Javelin zijn hele karakter had om gegooid en nu het leven van een hippie leidde. De vrouw waarmee hij een kind kreeg, Poledra is bij geboorte overleden. Javelin vermoed dat Silar er een hand in heeft gehad maar heeft er geen bewijzen voor.
Poledra werd zonder magie geboren. De doktoren zeiden dat de cellen simpelweg niet in haar genen zaten. Zonder magie maar mét een gele roos was Poledra weerloos en dus kwetsbaar. Javelin leerde Garion om voor zichzelf te zorgen maar nog meer om voor Poledra te zorgen. Garion is daar altijd zeer nauwkeurig mee om gegaan en dacht dat zijn vader het al te moeilijk had om dwars te gaan liggen. Norain ofwel Norry vond hem overigens een softy, een mietje en maakt hem dit ook vaak genoeg duidelijk. Norain was de enige jeugdvriend(in) die Gary gehad heeft. Zij heeft de naam Garry verzonnen en heeft hem voor het eerst liefde laten voelen. Ze zijn gescheiden van elkaar toen Norain's familie naar Razen verhuisde. Garry heeft daarna nooit meer iets van haar vernomen. Garion heeft langer thuis gezeten als de meesten, om voor Poledra te zorgen maar Javelin had vorig jaar besloten dat het tijd was voor Garry om naar Star Academy te gaan. En mede met de hoop om Norain daar te vinden is hij vertrokken. Op Star Academy pastte hij zich snel aan en voelde hij zich snel thuis, ondanks dat hij Norain nog altijd niet gevonden heeft.
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Maar eens een nieuw topic . ma nov 18, 2013 8:50 am
I can't believe I'm still standing I can't believe cloud nine's landing.. I'm feeling far from sober now, yeah just let me be hung over now..
You abandoned straight up like I was a warehouse So there are a couple of things that I wanted aired out
You taking that love from me. you don’t even have the common courtesy To know that you’re hurtin’ me it’s so absurd to me.. But yeah... it's such a tragedy that I want you back with me cause you're so bad for me..
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Maar eens een nieuw topic . wo nov 20, 2013 2:03 am
No matter how many breaths that you take, you still can't breathe.. Crash, crash burn
[table align="center" width="438" height="267" background=""][tr][td]<div style="width:250px;height:230px;overflow:scroll;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;margin-top:7px;margin-left:180px;padding-right:0px;"'">[color=black] [font=Times][size=10][justify][center][i]No matter[/i] how many breaths that you take, you still can't [i]breathe..[/i] Crash, crash [i]burn[/i][/center] [/justify][/size] [/font] </div>[/color][/td][/tr][/table]
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Maar eens een nieuw topic . wo nov 20, 2013 2:14 am
SURNAME Ha GIVEN NAMES Min Woo NICKNAMES MinWoo-kun, Min, Minnie, Mint, SEX male AGE 16 years 3 months and something something days DATE OF BIRTH 18/06/96 PLACE OF BIRTH Nova LANGUAGE Korean with a bit of Japanese mixed in SEXUAL ORIENTATION hetero as far as he knows
HEIGHT 1.79m WEIGHT 62.5kg HAIR COLOR light brown EYE COLOR red brown HAIR STYLE justin bieber but longer and flatter POSTURE tall, slimm with a few muscles, but there's more bone than fat on him PIERCINGS no CLOTHING STYLE casual, smart, school, Japanese or Korean, few colors or a lot of them
MAGIC light and air MAGIC USAGE doesn't use it a lot, only if neccesary and sometimes if he's lazy and when he's practicing ofcourse. ITEM boomerang, he uses a huge boomerang that poofs into his hand while fighting with air TRANSFORMS INTO raccoon PET brown cat with multiple shades of brown and black, his name is Ligo and he has bright white wings which are large enough to carry Minwoo sometimes although for a short time
CHARACTER very approachable, although he can very shy and nervous at times. is not very open and isn't really into partying or drinking and smoking. at first sight he might look charismatic but when he opens his mouth that image shatters because he really is not the smartest. he strongly believes in the power of hard work and determination although it doesn't really work for him. is very nervous when he's around women or girls and doesn't know what to do with them. he's always highly optimistic and passionate about everything he does, but he's a bit of a klutz and often messes things up. he's fluent in Korean and Japanese but sucks at English, he often tries to however resulting in laughter from the other people. As you can see he's a bit of an idiot, and somehow he's always the center of attention and laughter, he always laughs it away too, but deep down it really hurts him. he's not a cry baby but cries himself to sleep quite often. there is óne thing he is very good at, which is the piano. he is almost a pro and when he plays it tears automatically begin to glisten in your eyes, because it is so beautiful or so sad. so his book-smarts aren't really that great but he makes it up with a good personality and his cute smile. HOBBY'S playing the piano, going for a walk, studying, working on his piano skills, playing games on xbox or computer, playing with his flying cat and going somewhere with him, speaking grenlish, analyzing trees and flowers and birds, getting things right LOVES the piano, his cat Ligo, mooncake, cats in general, noodles, nature, walking, music, sheep, minnie mouse, his minnie mouse trousers, children, and other cute things HATES people who laugh at him, people who hate mooncake, dogs, going on vacation, Razen, people who scream and shout, people who think they're better than others, people who all over him and keep on pressuring him to do something he doesn't want to, flirts, FEARS to die, to lose, to be laughed at, to have to kill someone, to be thrown into a room full of people he doesn't know, that Ligo will be killed or die,
HISTORY his history isn't something special really, it's just another sad story like everyone else's.. and Minwoo thinks his isn't even worth mentioning to someone else. he grew up on Nova but his father was from Puffoon, that explains why Minwoo has air magic too. when Minwoo was really really young he loved to make little petals fly or his origami birds. so at first his parents thought that he was only capable of doing air magic, and it sure did look like it for a couple of years until the big break up. his mother always was a bit of a well frankly a bitch, she was too careful and too uncaring at the same time. she often let Minwoo cry while she was busy with her friends and her make up and clothes. she and his father often had fights over Minwoo, because his father hated the way his mother treated him sometimes, like he didn't exist and like he was something to be ashamed of. you see, his grandmother from his mother's side never thought much of him and neither did his grandfather. this was all because of the fact that they thought that Minwoo did not have any talent for light magic. so they thought of him as an embarrassment, and something that shouldn't have been born in the first place. and to stay on good ends with her mom and dad his mom thought the same way.
so sadly he was left alone a lot, and cried a lot, and well he was not the happiest kid in the world at that time. still he fought his way through it, and with tooth and nail he finally managed to put a smile on his face instead of those tears running down his cheeks. he decided that anything can be learned with hard work and fiery passion. so he started learning the words the movements and well anything he could from his father who happened to know a few light magic things. his father praised him a lot and although nothing actually happened he was happy and sad at the same time that his son tried. one day Minwoo was training really hard at one thing, that was creating a lightorb out of nothing. it was raining at the time and it was dark, so that he could see 'it' better when something actually would happen. he never gave up hope though and here he was practicing yet again. he could hear his mother and father argue in the house but he was far too concentrated to actually pay attention to the words they were saying. it was probably about him anyway. as he tried again he suddenly felt something in the tips of his fingers, something, a tingle.. he tried again and the tingle was gone again. he wondered for a moment and then tried again, this time the tingle was back and worse plus he swore he saw a flick of light. he couldn't believe his eyes and tried again, this time 'it' happened, though his eyes were closed and he couldn't see it, he felt the heat in the palm of his cold hand. he breathed out and the orb and the heat that came with it vanished. he smiled and ran inside. his mother stood in the kitchen her head red with anger and his father was nowhere to be seen. her bags were beside her and she couldn't stop looking at them. as he walked through the door she didn't even seem to notice him, but still he pressed on. his mother turned to face him but before he could say anything his eyes flashed black for a second as he felt her handprint burn on his cheek. i hate you she said before taking her bags and walking out of the door.
his father never seemed happy after that, though his eyes sparked up a little bit when he told him that he could do light magic now. after that Minwoo grew up lonely but hard working and with a good heart and mind. he insisted on going to Star academy and that's exactly where he went. his father didn't seem happy at all when he told him, and though Minwoo felt very guilty for leaving him, he wanted to learn, besides his father was a grown up man, he could take care of himself for sure. so Minwoo left for star academy and his father actually did get better, and is a lot stronger now, though he still isn't as happy as he was before.. some wounds can never heal is the saying?
this card can be used in the following planets in Kovomaka: Razen, Nova, Gren, Puffoon, Shadra, Cassia, Erd state of Kovomaka
[table align="center" width="438" height="267" background=""][tr][td]<div style="width:246px;height:230px;overflow:scroll;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;margin-top:7px;margin-left:180px;padding-right:3px;"'">[size=10][justify] [b]SURNAME[/b] Ha [b]GIVEN NAMES[/b] Min Woo [b]NICKNAMES[/b] MinWoo-kun, Min, Minnie, Mint, [b]SEX[/b] male [b]AGE[/b] 16 years 3 months and something something days [b]DATE OF BIRTH[/b] 18/06/96 [b]PLACE OF BIRTH [/b]Nova [b]LANGUAGE[/b] Korean with a bit of Japanese mixed in [b]SEXUAL ORIENTATION[/b] hetero as far as he knows
[b]HEIGHT[/b] 1.79m [b]WEIGHT[/b] 62.5kg [b]HAIR COLOR[/b] light brown [b]EYE COLOR[/b] red brown [b]HAIR STYLE[/b] justin bieber but longer and flatter [b]POSTURE[/b] tall, slimm with a few muscles, but there's more bone than fat on him [b]PIERCINGS[/b] no [b]CLOTHING STYLE[/b] casual, smart, school, Japanese or Korean, few colors or a lot of them
[b]MAGIC[/b] light and air [b]MAGIC USAGE[/b] doesn't use it a lot, only if neccesary and sometimes if he's lazy and when he's practicing ofcourse. [b]ITEM[/b] boomerang, he uses a huge boomerang that poofs into his hand while fighting with air [b]TRANSFORMS INTO[/b] raccoon [b]PET[/b] brown cat with multiple shades of brown and black, his name is Ligo and he has bright white wings which are large enough to carry Minwoo sometimes although for a short time
[b]CHARACTER[/b] very approachable, although he can very shy and nervous at times. is not very open and isn't really into partying or drinking and smoking. at first sight he might look charismatic but when he opens his mouth that image shatters because he really is not the smartest. he strongly believes in the power of hard work and determination although it doesn't really work for him. is very nervous when he's around women or girls and doesn't know what to do with them. he's always highly optimistic and passionate about everything he does, but he's a bit of a klutz and often messes things up. he's fluent in Korean and Japanese but sucks at English, he often tries to however resulting in laughter from the other people. As you can see he's a bit of an idiot, and somehow he's always the center of attention and laughter, he always laughs it away too, but deep down it really hurts him. he's not a cry baby but cries himself to sleep quite often. there is óne thing he is very good at, which is the piano. he is almost a pro and when he plays it tears automatically begin to glisten in your eyes, because it is so beautiful or so sad. so his book-smarts aren't really that great but he makes it up with a good personality and his cute smile. [b]HOBBY'S[/b] playing the piano, going for a walk, studying, working on his piano skills, playing games on xbox or computer, playing with his flying cat and going somewhere with him, speaking grenlish, analyzing trees and flowers and birds, getting things right [b]LOVES[/b] the piano, his cat Ligo, mooncake, cats in general, noodles, nature, walking, music, sheep, minnie mouse, his minnie mouse trousers, children, and other cute things [b]HATES[/b] people who laugh at him, people who hate mooncake, dogs, going on vacation, Razen, people who scream and shout, people who think they're better than others, people who all over him and keep on pressuring him to do something he doesn't want to, flirts, [b]FEARS[/b] to die, to lose, to be laughed at, to have to kill someone, to be thrown into a room full of people he doesn't know, that Ligo will be killed or die,
[b]HISTORY[/b] his history isn't something special really, it's just another sad story like everyone else's.. and Minwoo thinks his isn't even worth mentioning to someone else. he grew up on Nova but his father was from Puffoon, that explains why Minwoo has air magic too. when Minwoo was really really young he loved to make little petals fly or his origami birds. so at first his parents thought that he was only capable of doing air magic, and it sure did look like it for a couple of years until the big break up. his mother always was a bit of a well frankly a bitch, she was too careful and too uncaring at the same time. she often let Minwoo cry while she was busy with her friends and her make up and clothes. she and his father often had fights over Minwoo, because his father hated the way his mother treated him sometimes, like he didn't exist and like he was something to be ashamed of. you see, his grandmother from his mother's side never thought much of him and neither did his grandfather. this was all because of the fact that they thought that Minwoo did not have any talent for light magic. so they thought of him as an embarrassment, and something that shouldn't have been born in the first place. and to stay on good ends with her mom and dad his mom thought the same way.
so sadly he was left alone a lot, and cried a lot, and well he was not the happiest kid in the world at that time. still he fought his way through it, and with tooth and nail he finally managed to put a smile on his face instead of those tears running down his cheeks. he decided that anything can be learned with hard work and fiery passion. so he started learning the words the movements and well anything he could from his father who happened to know a few light magic things. his father praised him a lot and although nothing actually happened he was happy and sad at the same time that his son tried. one day Minwoo was training really hard at one thing, that was creating a lightorb out of nothing. it was raining at the time and it was dark, so that he could see 'it' better when something actually would happen. he never gave up hope though and here he was practicing yet again. he could hear his mother and father argue in the house but he was far too concentrated to actually pay attention to the words they were saying. it was probably about him anyway. as he tried again he suddenly felt something in the tips of his fingers, something, a tingle.. he tried again and the tingle was gone again. he wondered for a moment and then tried again, this time the tingle was back and worse plus he swore he saw a flick of light. he couldn't believe his eyes and tried again, this time 'it' happened, though his eyes were closed and he couldn't see it, he felt the heat in the palm of his cold hand. he breathed out and the orb and the heat that came with it vanished. he smiled and ran inside. his mother stood in the kitchen her head red with anger and his father was nowhere to be seen. her bags were beside her and she couldn't stop looking at them. as he walked through the door she didn't even seem to notice him, but still he pressed on. his mother turned to face him but before he could say anything his eyes flashed black for a second as he felt her handprint burn on his cheek. i hate you she said before taking her bags and walking out of the door.
his father never seemed happy after that, though his eyes sparked up a little bit when he told him that he could do light magic now. after that Minwoo grew up lonely but hard working and with a good heart and mind. he insisted on going to Star academy and that's exactly where he went. his father didn't seem happy at all when he told him, and though Minwoo felt very guilty for leaving him, he wanted to learn, besides his father was a grown up man, he could take care of himself for sure. so Minwoo left for star academy and his father actually did get better, and is a lot stronger now, though he still isn't as happy as he was before.. some wounds can never heal is the saying?
[b]PERS.NO.[/b] 128791472 [b]DATE OF ISSUE[/b] 03 JUN/JUN 2011 [b]DATE OF EXPIRY[/b] 03 JUN/JUN 2016[/size]
[center][size=8][font=monaco]this card can be used in the following planets in Kovomaka: Razen, Nova, Gren, Puffoon, Shadra, Cassia, Erd [u]state of Kovomaka[/u][/font][/size][/center][/justify] [color=#444444] </div>[/color][/td][/tr][/table]
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Maar eens een nieuw topic . wo nov 20, 2013 4:14 am
SURNAME Kresnik GIVEN NAMES Ludwig Will NICKNAMES Lud, Ludy, Will, Wigje SEX male AGE 17 years, and 4 months DATE OF BIRTH 02/07/96 PLACE OF BIRTH Nova LANGUAGE Arabic but is fluent in English and German SEXUAL ORIENTATION hetero
HEIGHT 1.76m WEIGHT 63.5kg HAIR COLOR silvery hair with black ends on the rightside EYE COLOR green with yellow rings circling the pupil HAIR STYLE as if has just been through a storm POSTURE slimm but has some defined muscles too, he has a naturally approachable attitude PIERCINGS no CLOTHING STYLE casual which often leans to a more sophisticated style of clothing, likes shirts, blouses and pants with suspenders SPECIAL his left eyebrow is silver/grey while his right eyebrow his black/dark grey
MAGIC light with small specks of dark MAGIC USAGE he can't perform well without transforming bits and pieces of him or transforming completely into his corpse shell form, so he usually messes about, gets low grades and beaten up when fighting transforms into xx ITEM an old pocket watch, he needs it for his corpse shell arte TRANSFORMS INTO silvery flemish giant with solid black ears PET a generally white cat with a grey face, grey ears, tail and some of its paws, his name is Lulu and his most known trait is following Ludwig wherever he goes. often finding him in classes or in his backpack click
CHARACTER very approachable guy, he looks warm and cuddly and for the most part he is. he is very caring and often thinks of others before thinking about himself. he is a very reliable person and will jump through hoops for you if he knows you well enough. he has a sort of weakness for the elderly and has great respect for them, always hoping that he will reach that age and be someone to look up to as well. Lud's actions can be rash and stupid sometimes, even though he's been through a lot and should obviously know better. he's known as dependable but rather impulsive in his actions, not always thinking them through and therefore getting himself into trouble. he has a lot of good sides but some bad sides as well. he isn't very talkative for one and often spaces out when someone's talking to him giving him a somewhat bored and uninterested image. aside from that he doesn't like talking about his history or his 'lack' of magic with others. he can use it ofcourse, powerfull light magic with specks of darkness mixed in between. but he doesn't because it requires him using his corpse shell turning him into something he's not. which in fact isn't true because he has perfect control when using his one and only arte. he's just afraid that people will avoid him based on his appearance and sometimes obliterating power thus opting for not using his 'real' magic at all. HOBBY'S going for a walk, studying, playing games on xbox or computer, playing with his cat and going somewhere with him, analyzing trees and flowers and birds, getting things right, cooking, baking, camping LOVES his cat Lulu, other people smiling at him, baking and cooking for other people and afterwards hearing their comments on it, being with friends, fighting, magic, books, birds, parties, the elderly, taking tests HATES flirts, certain social orders, being avoided, being talked about behind his back, his true nature, reptiles, being on his own, being pressured by others to do things he doesn't want to do, girls hopelessly chasing after men FEARS to die, to lose someone dear to him, to lose control when using his arte, being alone when he dies, being avoided, being looked at with fear, other people actually knowing and accepting,about his true form
this card can be used on the following planets in Kovomaka: Razen, Nova, Gren, Puffoon, Shadra, Cassia, Erd state of Kovomaka
[table align="center" width="438" height="267" background=""][tr][td]<div style="width:246px;height:230px;overflow:scroll;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;margin-top:7px;margin-left:180px;padding-right:3px;"'">[size=10][justify] [b]SURNAME[/b] Kresnik [b]GIVEN NAMES[/b] Ludwig Will [b]NICKNAMES[/b] Lud, Ludy, Will, Wigje [b]SEX[/b] male [b]AGE[/b] 17 years, and 4 months [b]DATE OF BIRTH[/b] 02/07/96 [b]PLACE OF BIRTH [/b]Nova [b]LANGUAGE[/b] Arabic but is fluent in English and German [b]SEXUAL ORIENTATION[/b] hetero
[b]HEIGHT[/b] 1.76m [b]WEIGHT[/b] 63.5kg [b]HAIR COLOR[/b] silvery hair with black ends on the rightside [b]EYE COLOR[/b] green with yellow rings circling the pupil [b]HAIR STYLE[/b] as if has just been through a storm [b]POSTURE[/b] slimm but has some defined muscles too, he has a naturally approachable attitude [b]PIERCINGS[/b] no [b]CLOTHING STYLE[/b] casual which often leans to a more sophisticated style of clothing, likes shirts, blouses and pants with suspenders [b]SPECIAL[/b] his left eyebrow is silver/grey while his right eyebrow his black/dark grey
[b]MAGIC[/b] light with small specks of dark [b]MAGIC USAGE[/b] he can't perform well without transforming bits and pieces of him or transforming completely into his corpse shell form, so he usually messes about, gets low grades and beaten up when fighting [url=]transforms into[/url] [url=]x[/url][url=]x[/url] [b]ITEM[/b] an old pocket watch, he needs it for his corpse shell arte [b]TRANSFORMS INTO[/b] silvery flemish giant with solid black ears [b]PET[/b] a generally white cat with a grey face, grey ears, tail and some of its paws, his name is Lulu and his most known trait is following Ludwig wherever he goes. often finding him in classes or in his backpack [url=]click[/url]
[b]CHARACTER[/b] very approachable guy, he looks warm and cuddly and for the most part he is. he is very caring and often thinks of others before thinking about himself. he is a very reliable person and will jump through hoops for you if he knows you well enough. he has a sort of weakness for the elderly and has great respect for them, always hoping that he will reach that age and be someone to look up to as well. Lud's actions can be rash and stupid sometimes, even though he's been through a lot and should obviously know better. he's known as dependable but rather impulsive in his actions, not always thinking them through and therefore getting himself into trouble. he has a lot of good sides but some bad sides as well. he isn't very talkative for one and often spaces out when someone's talking to him giving him a somewhat bored and uninterested image. aside from that he doesn't like talking about his history or his 'lack' of magic with others. he can use it ofcourse, powerfull light magic with specks of darkness mixed in between. but he doesn't because it requires him using his corpse shell turning him into something he's not. which in fact isn't true because he has perfect control when using his one and only arte. he's just afraid that people will avoid him based on his appearance and sometimes obliterating power thus opting for not using his 'real' magic at all. [b]HOBBY'S[/b] going for a walk, studying, playing games on xbox or computer, playing with his cat and going somewhere with him, analyzing trees and flowers and birds, getting things right, cooking, baking, camping [b]LOVES[/b] his cat Lulu, other people smiling at him, baking and cooking for other people and afterwards hearing their comments on it, being with friends, fighting, magic, books, birds, parties, the elderly, taking tests [b]HATES[/b] flirts, certain social orders, being avoided, being talked about behind his back, his true nature, reptiles, being on his own, being pressured by others to do things he doesn't want to do, girls hopelessly chasing after men [b]FEARS[/b] to die, to lose someone dear to him, to lose control when using his arte, being alone when he dies, being avoided, being looked at with fear, other people actually knowing and accepting,about his true form
[b]HISTORY[/b] [i]W.i.p.[/i] [b]PERS.NO.[/b] 347682561 [b]DATE OF ISSUE[/b] 03 JUN/JUN 2011 [b]DATE OF EXPIRY[/b] 03 JUN/JUN 2016[/size]
[center][size=8][font=monaco]this card can be used on the following planets in Kovomaka: Razen, Nova, Gren, Puffoon, Shadra, Cassia, Erd [u]state of Kovomaka[/u][/font][/size][/center][/justify] [color=#444444] </div>[/color][/td][/tr][/table]
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Maar eens een nieuw topic . di okt 07, 2014 6:44 am
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vel molestie lorem. In faucibus lobortis nulla eu vulputate. Proin tincidunt efficitur dolor. Nullam semper tellus quis enim placerat, a luctus odio pharetra. Nam volutpat diam elementum dui blandit tincidunt. Nunc eu quam commodo, lobortis justo vel, pulvinar tellus. Etiam ut posuere enim. Aenean mattis tortor eget rutrum commodo. Pellentesque egestas, mauris vel rutrum consequat, dolor nisl maximus purus, sed scelerisque neque nulla at lectus. Ut egestas felis ac accumsan pellentesque. Quisque commodo dictum mauris, vel tempus leo sagittis ac.
Donec quis eleifend sapien, in molestie leo. Donec eget diam commodo, semper ipsum at, semper odio. Nulla mattis tellus ut sodales aliquet. Pellentesque tempus, nisi sed ornare laoreet, ipsum ante malesuada nisl, a cursus arcu orci nec est. Sed volutpat nulla ipsum, quis laoreet arcu bibendum in. Nunc nec quam ultricies, convallis sapien sed, porta diam. Sed ultrices tortor commodo, gravida lorem quis, maximus massa. Nullam eget ultricies purus, eget convallis dolor. Sed ornare sem at erat ultricies condimentum. Phasellus luctus nisl sodales quam vehicula porta. Vestibulum sit amet scelerisque felis, id congue arcu. Ut efficitur mattis nisi vitae ornare. Quisque et nisi massa. Fusce auctor rutrum elit sed consectetur. Maecenas posuere malesuada fermentum. Vestibulum leo tellus, lacinia in convallis nec, condimentum pretium leo.
Mauris ligula purus, iaculis quis neque ac, sagittis malesuada velit. Phasellus facilisis lectus sit amet orci tristique fermentum. Donec sit amet lacus maximus, varius nisi a, cursus lorem. Nulla iaculis nunc diam, molestie sagittis magna bibendum quis. Pellentesque sollicitudin odio ut ipsum sodales varius. Praesent scelerisque eu dolor at dapibus. Suspendisse rhoncus urna eget orci sodales mattis. Curabitur ac lacus risus. Vestibulum metus nibh, venenatis quis ipsum quis, egestas varius leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas euismod porta vulputate.
Sed eget urna sit amet nisl mollis vulputate quis sed nunc. Maecenas vel nisl vel magna molestie ornare. Sed rhoncus malesuada consectetur. Integer volutpat sollicitudin elit sed vestibulum. Maecenas malesuada in tortor et convallis. Vivamus varius, est non commodo convallis, enim velit semper sapien, quis pharetra lacus libero vel nulla. Vivamus egestas felis id sem consequat finibus. Fusce at orci in diam euismod efficitur. Sed imperdiet, turpis vel dapibus luctus, enim risus ullamcorper quam, eget bibendum neque libero quis lacus.
Suspendisse tortor turpis, posuere sit amet mauris nec, varius dapibus velit. Fusce vel sapien rutrum, vehicula turpis et, aliquet mi. Ut vitae volutpat sem, sed tincidunt augue. Donec venenatis enim sem, eu rutrum mi rhoncus vitae. Pellentesque consectetur quis lectus id laoreet. Curabitur non venenatis justo. Aenean libero sapien, interdum non rutrum eu, bibendum vel justo. Integer arcu libero, luctus quis augue non, auctor ultricies urna. Etiam finibus auctor lectus quis consectetur. Aenean eget ex nec est mattis varius in quis augue.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vel molestie lorem. In faucibus lobortis nulla eu vulputate. Proin tincidunt efficitur dolor. Nullam semper tellus quis enim placerat, a luctus odio pharetra. Nam volutpat diam elementum dui blandit tincidunt. Nunc eu quam commodo, lobortis justo vel, pulvinar tellus. Etiam ut posuere enim. Aenean mattis tortor eget rutrum commodo. Pellentesque egestas, mauris vel rutrum consequat, dolor nisl maximus purus, sed scelerisque neque nulla at lectus. Ut egestas felis ac accumsan pellentesque. Quisque commodo dictum mauris, vel tempus leo sagittis ac.
Donec quis eleifend sapien, in molestie leo. Donec eget diam commodo, semper ipsum at, semper odio. Nulla mattis tellus ut sodales aliquet. Pellentesque tempus, nisi sed ornare laoreet, ipsum ante malesuada nisl, a cursus arcu orci nec est. Sed volutpat nulla ipsum, quis laoreet arcu bibendum in. Nunc nec quam ultricies, convallis sapien sed, porta diam. Sed ultrices tortor commodo, gravida lorem quis, maximus massa. Nullam eget ultricies purus, eget convallis dolor. Sed ornare sem at erat ultricies condimentum. Phasellus luctus nisl sodales quam vehicula porta. Vestibulum sit amet scelerisque felis, id congue arcu. Ut efficitur mattis nisi vitae ornare. Quisque et nisi massa. Fusce auctor rutrum elit sed consectetur. Maecenas posuere malesuada fermentum. Vestibulum leo tellus, lacinia in convallis nec, condimentum pretium leo.
Mauris ligula purus, iaculis quis neque ac, sagittis malesuada velit. Phasellus facilisis lectus sit amet orci tristique fermentum. Donec sit amet lacus maximus, varius nisi a, cursus lorem. Nulla iaculis nunc diam, molestie sagittis magna bibendum quis. Pellentesque sollicitudin odio ut ipsum sodales varius. Praesent scelerisque eu dolor at dapibus. Suspendisse rhoncus urna eget orci sodales mattis. Curabitur ac lacus risus. Vestibulum metus nibh, venenatis quis ipsum quis, egestas varius leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas euismod porta vulputate.
Sed eget urna sit amet nisl mollis vulputate quis sed nunc. Maecenas vel nisl vel magna molestie ornare. Sed rhoncus malesuada consectetur. Integer volutpat sollicitudin elit sed vestibulum. Maecenas malesuada in tortor et convallis. Vivamus varius, est non commodo convallis, enim velit semper sapien, quis pharetra lacus libero vel nulla. Vivamus egestas felis id sem consequat finibus. Fusce at orci in diam euismod efficitur. Sed imperdiet, turpis vel dapibus luctus, enim risus ullamcorper quam, eget bibendum neque libero quis lacus.
Suspendisse tortor turpis, posuere sit amet mauris nec, varius dapibus velit. Fusce vel sapien rutrum, vehicula turpis et, aliquet mi. Ut vitae volutpat sem, sed tincidunt augue. Donec venenatis enim sem, eu rutrum mi rhoncus vitae. Pellentesque consectetur quis lectus id laoreet. Curabitur non venenatis justo. Aenean libero sapien, interdum non rutrum eu, bibendum vel justo. Integer arcu libero, luctus quis augue non, auctor ultricies urna. Etiam finibus auctor lectus quis consectetur. Aenean eget ex nec est mattis varius in quis augue.
[/size][/color][/font]</div>[/td] [/tr] [/table]
Yuji Admin
Aantal berichten : 111 Punten : 1 Leeftijd : 32 Woonplaats : The Shire
Character Naam: Yuji Sakurai Leeftijd: 18 jaar Aandoening: Dissociative Identity Disorder
Onderwerp: Re: Maar eens een nieuw topic . di okt 21, 2014 12:35 pm
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Maar eens een nieuw topic . vr jan 16, 2015 5:20 am
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce maximus, dolor id facilisis mattis, quam leo cursus eros, et elementum nunc justo tincidunt sapien. Praesent sit amet mauris gravida, egestas felis placerat, viverra nibh. Integer maximus tortor et tellus congue, non efficitur nibh euismod. Ut quis molestie sapien. Donec pulvinar auctor purus, in consequat erat varius vel. Vivamus consequat metus nunc, volutpat blandit sem suscipit et. Suspendisse ante eros, ultricies vitae magna et, vulputate bibendum risus. Cras pellentesque, mi id hendrerit commodo, lacus lacus tempus arcu, in consectetur nisi nibh luctus ipsum. Vivamus tristique nulla non sapien efficitur, in dapibus velit varius.
Maecenas pulvinar mi eget est hendrerit, nec pharetra felis placerat. Donec interdum consectetur nulla, ac auctor mi laoreet pellentesque. Aenean eget nisl laoreet, tincidunt nisl pharetra, imperdiet tortor. Curabitur tristique quam ut ex sagittis sagittis. Phasellus fermentum ipsum risus, quis cursus arcu maximus tristique. Duis et aliquam risus. Suspendisse non ipsum vestibulum lectus posuere finibus. Fusce posuere magna velit, eget interdum justo scelerisque eu. Duis sed ipsum ex. Vivamus et nulla sem. Maecenas porttitor ex non sodales hendrerit. Aenean auctor pulvinar erat in consectetur.
Aenean nec facilisis tellus. Pellentesque condimentum dui nisi, in tempus ipsum lacinia sit amet. Curabitur tincidunt, leo imperdiet laoreet mattis, sem turpis porta libero, in iaculis est lectus eu neque. Sed a convallis nunc. Ut sed nibh nec eros rutrum auctor a nec risus. Vivamus rhoncus efficitur mauris a molestie. Morbi id urna faucibus mauris rutrum accumsan. Nam pellentesque sem in risus efficitur, vel convallis elit ultricies.
Donec quis lorem feugiat, venenatis libero ac, rhoncus ante. Donec interdum, magna ac eleifend tincidunt, enim tellus vulputate tellus, id pharetra diam neque id justo. In bibendum nunc at viverra congue. Maecenas tellus ipsum, euismod non lacus sit amet, congue volutpat ligula. Mauris ullamcorper luctus sapien, sit amet dictum dui eleifend at. Aenean facilisis consequat orci, vehicula efficitur augue efficitur et. Ut leo nibh, blandit et vulputate eget, feugiat consectetur tortor. Aliquam congue mauris id felis convallis pretium. Nam aliquet lorem ante, ac cursus augue dictum nec. Vivamus et tellus in velit scelerisque pharetra a vel ex. In euismod elit risus, eget lobortis tortor pharetra non. Mauris augue lorem, tempus at nulla et, egestas suscipit elit. In tempus mollis dui, vitae rutrum ligula posuere eget.
Proin ultricies id sem id aliquet. Maecenas ac orci ante. Integer luctus dolor non nulla mollis venenatis ac in ex. Morbi varius vitae velit non vehicula. Duis sed est laoreet, molestie justo eu, lacinia arcu. In cursus sem erat, nec volutpat erat suscipit eu. Aenean risus justo, ullamcorper quis euismod et, tincidunt in est. Nullam vulputate facilisis est at convallis.
Character Naam: William Leeftijd: 22 Aandoening: Alcohol verslaafd
Onderwerp: Re: Maar eens een nieuw topic . do jan 22, 2015 2:30 am
I <3 u
Kawaii as MUK
Sugoii, Ikemen desuu~<3
and storms you cannot weather
They walked along listening to the singing of the brightly colored birds and looking at the lovely flowers which now became so thick that the ground was carpeted with them. There were big yellow and white and blue and purple blossoms, besides great clusters of scarlet poppies, which were so brilliant in color they almost dazzled Dorothy's eyes.
"Aren't they beautiful?" the girl asked, as she breathed in the spicy scent of the bright flowers.
"I suppose so," answered the Scarecrow. "When I have brains, I shall probably like them better."
"If I only had a heart, I should love them," added the Tin Woodman."I always did like flowers," said the Lion. "They of seem so helpless and frail. But there are none in the forest so bright as these."
They now came upon more and more of the big scarlet poppies, and fewer and fewer of the other flowers; and soon they found themselves in the midst of a great meadow of poppies. Now it is well known that when there are many of these flowers together their odor is so powerful that anyone who breathes it falls asleep, and if the sleeper is not carried away from the scent of the flowers, he sleeps on and on forever. But Dorothy did not know this, nor could she get away from the bright red flowers that were everywhere about; so presently her eyes grew heavy and she felt she must sit down to rest and to sleep.
<center><div id="hoverpage" style="border: 10px solid #ffffff; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #ededed;"><div class="insidehover"><img src=""></div><div class="insidebox"><div class="statarea"><div class="insidetitle">darling</div><div class="insidesub">IT'S NOT A SILLY LITTLE MOMENT, IT'S NOT THE STORM BEFORE THE CALM. THIS IS THE DEEP AND DYING BREATH OF THIS LOVE WE'VE BEEN WORKING ON. BUT THERE ARE DREAMS THAT CAN NOT<span style="color: #2E2E2E;">BE</span></div><div class="statline" style="margin-bottom: 3px;">????</div><div class="statline" style="margin-bottom: 3px;">I <3 u</div><div class="statline" style="margin-bottom: 3px;">#Andyy</div><div class="statline" style="margin-bottom: 3px;">Kawaii as MUK</div><div class="statline">Sugoii, Ikemen desuu~<3</div><div class="subtwo">and storms you cannot <span style="color:#2E2E2E;">weather</span></div></div><div class="postarea">They walked along listening to the singing of the brightly colored birds and looking at the lovely flowers which now became so thick that the ground was carpeted with them. There were big yellow and white and blue and purple blossoms, besides great clusters of scarlet poppies, which were so brilliant in color they almost dazzled Dorothy's eyes.<br><br>"Aren't they beautiful?" the girl asked, as she breathed in the spicy scent of the bright flowers.<br><br>"I suppose so," answered the Scarecrow. "When I have brains, I shall probably like them better."<br><br>"If I only had a heart, I should love them," added the Tin Woodman."I always did like flowers," said the Lion. "They of seem so helpless and frail. But there are none in the forest so bright as these."<br><br>They now came upon more and more of the big scarlet poppies, and fewer and fewer of the other flowers; and soon they found themselves in the midst of a great meadow of poppies. Now it is well known that when there are many of these flowers together their odor is so powerful that anyone who breathes it falls asleep, and if the sleeper is not carried away from the scent of the flowers, he sleeps on and on forever. But Dorothy did not know this, nor could she get away from the bright red flowers that were everywhere about; so presently her eyes grew heavy and she felt she must sit down to rest and to sleep.<br><br>But the Tin Woodman would not let her do this.</div></div></div><div class="credits">MADE BY MINNIE OF <a href="">BTN</a></div></center><style type="text/css">#hoverpage {width: 500px; height: 300px; position: relative; overflow: hidden;}#hoverpage .insidehover { -webkit-transition: all 1.0s ease; -moz-transition: all 1.0s ease; -o-transition: all 1.0s ease; position: absolute; left: 0px; bottom: 0px; width: 500px; height: 300px;}#hoverpage:hover .insidehover {-webkit-transition: all 1.0s ease; -moz-transition: all 1.0s ease; -o-transition: all 1.0s ease; left: -500px; }.insidebox { width: 460px; height: 294px; background-color: #f8f8f8; padding: 20px; text-align: left; }.statarea { width: 150px; float: left; height: 100%; margin-right: 15px; }.statline { font-family: courier new; font-size: 9px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #fafafa; text-align: right; background-color: #2E2E2E; line-height: 110%;-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease; -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease; -o-transition: all 0.5s ease; padding: 3px 4px 2px 4px; border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; }.statline:hover { font-family: courier new; font-size: 9px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #767676; text-align: right; background-color: #f4f4f4; line-height: 110%; -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease; -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease; -o-transition: all 0.5s ease; padding: 3px 15px 2px 4px; border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; }.insidetitle { font-family: arial; font-size: 40px; letter-spacing: -3px; color: #2E2E2E; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; text-shadow: 2px 2px #f4f4f4; text-align: right; }.insidesub { font-family: arial; font-size: 8px; text-align: justify; line-height: 120%; color: #cbcbcb; letter-spacing: 1px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; }.subtwo { font-family: arial; font-size: 30px; letter-spacing: -3px; color: #e5e1e3; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; text-align: right; line-height: 70%; margin-top: 9px; text-shadow: 2px 2px #ffffff; }.postarea { height: 284px; padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; line-height: 120%; color: #6b6b6b; overflow: auto; }.postarea::-webkit-scrollbar { width:5px; }.postarea::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color:#f1f1f1; }.postarea::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#2E2E2E; }.credits { text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 9px; letter-spacing: 1px; }</style>